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High School have started :D
Saturday, January 8, 2011 | ? 0 Comments

High School started last Monday on 3rd of January. Gonna tell this schooling day story to y'all. Actually, High School's kinda FUN! haha.

1st day of school: Freaking nervous at home before went to school. I was like "What the hell?!" Dang it. Just move on and get in the car. Mom looked at me and said, "You nervous eh?" I said, "Yep." She replied, "For what kiddo? High School is better than Primary. Primary is for beginners. High School is for medium peeps or try outs. University? Pro peeps! *with a smile* So you don't have to feel nervous about it. It's a normal thing. If you wanna throw up, throw up in here. *gave me plastic bag* So I did throw up. Gosh, I'm too nervous. What the fruit?! [:/]

At school: First time stepped the tar of SM Ken Hwa. *gulp* I saw Ornella and others outside the hall. FUUUUUUU- I continued my stepped.

My feelings at then was AWKWARD! Damn. This weirdo's creatures looked at me like fcuk! Ah, go die creatures. [:p] Okay, I'm with them already. I saw them then they hugged me like, 2000 years never seen me? [LMAO :D] Um, it's getting comfortable since I hugged them. *HUH!* relief! I thought I don't have any friends! Teheee. That time were nice.

I saw many good creatures there. Well, bad creatures exist at here too. It's like I wanna shoot them and let them DIE. [I'm evil xD] Awkward moment at High School but still it's fruiting fun, enjoying, laughter, funny teacher and fun education!

Well, High School isn't that bad at all! I started to make some new friends here. But seriously, I got like thousands of friends here! Some of them I don't know but they know me. *All because of my brother actually. They're kinda popular because they're dancers!*

And yeah, you nervous to step High School? Do like me, throw up in a plastic bag! [HAHA!] Bye for now!
