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Life goes on and on


She said:
Hello and welcome!
Sup mateys!
Welcome to my feminine kinda girlish blog, huh.
Join and read about my life.
I guarantee you'll gain nothing, dude, dudettes.
You got me? Good.
Hope you wont get bored. Adios!

The blog's owner

Again, no COPYING, SKANKS and SPAMS. Gracias!


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Troll from Hell.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011 | ? 0 Comments


I'm not really in a great mood now. Seriously, someone pissed me off. Like, really, who checked hacked my facebook account? I'm pissed off man. No one knows my new password 'cause I already changed it last night. Wow man, this is UNBELIEVABLE. You're the greatest hacker ever!

Good to know that, punk.

Only a twerp wants to hack my account. Well, now you are officially a twerp. I was thinking, maybe someone who hates me copy my email from my facebook info or ask someone else, then he/she hacked my facebook account without people noticing. Damn man!

Just now I log in and I saw something very unusual.
It says that my account have been locked for temporarily because someone had just log in to my account or may called it a 'hacker' had just log in to my account. I was like:

You're fuckin' annoying k? Stop messin' around with my facebook account. Thank God that I made through the test. Well, something like that. A test to make sure that you're the real owner of the facebook account. Okay, curse you man, or woman. You suck eggs. Real suck. Oh yeah, I ate deviled eggs just now.

And I would puke all of those eggs in front of you and force you to eat it.

I know it's gross but, who cares? You hacked, you egg. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA get it? Did you get it? You hacked, you egg? HAHAHAHAHAHA oh my gummy bears I don't know what I'm yappin' right now. Psst, lunatic overload after eating those deviled eggs :) tehee.

12 days until Christmas Day! Aweeeeee, I'm dreaming of a White ChristmasCan't wait for Christmas Day! Oh yeah, next Tuesday I'm going to Tambunan, well, only me. Pity me. Hahaha. I'll use mini bus, independent is a must! I'm 13 now, I have to be independent. If I don't start now, how am I going to be independent in an adult age? I don't wanna depend to my parents until I'm old. 

So please, mommy and daddy, I'll take care of myself. I promise, I will. 

Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song (Chestnut Roasting)

This song lighten up my Christmas spirit. It's really calming and fun to hear it. Well, oldies but the goodies! Oh the old times, I wish I lived in the 50's. But sadly I don't. Still I'm proud I was born in the 90's. The last one remain. Hahaha, miss the old time. 

Okay, I'm off. See you whenever! Goodbye.

