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Life goes on and on


She said:
Hello and welcome!
Sup mateys!
Welcome to my feminine kinda girlish blog, huh.
Join and read about my life.
I guarantee you'll gain nothing, dude, dudettes.
You got me? Good.
Hope you wont get bored. Adios!

The blog's owner

Again, no COPYING, SKANKS and SPAMS. Gracias!


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Missin' my hometown.
Thursday, December 8, 2011 | ? 0 Comments

Ola senor y senorita. 

Watching Top Chef and I'm effin' hungry right now, plus the fragrance from the kitchen, hell mother sweet cake 

I don't know what happened today. I don't wanna talk about it either. Where's you cousin when you need them? Gwenny! Where are youuuuuu? :( I miss Gwenny so much. We're just webcam-ing this past days. Okay, still not enough. I still miss her. Awe, I miss you lesbian! lol ;D And I love you♥

I've been thinking lately, about this incoming Christmas Day. Can't wait to celebrate it with mah' big family. Yeah, I miss Tambunan superbly! Never been there for 2 years and 11 months, aren't that epic? Yes it is. lol I wanna go there early as possible. Me and Gwenny wanna buy presents for the fruitchild. Hee aren't we good aunts? 
Y to the E to the S!
What is it call?

I'm starting my crap right now. Wtf -.- Acting like a cheerleader, euw. Aights stop. Be right back k? Dinner time!

1 hour and 34 minutes later......

Hi, I'm back! Hahah lambat kan saya makan? I know! I am, psst, as if. Duh. Okay I'm fulled already so, no more late night snacks. That is why I'm a fat girl now. My fatness increase, day by day, non-stop and imma eating machine. Oh gosh I have to burn my fatness before Christmas. Bodoh, siapa suruh makan manyak-manyak lmfao -.- Gila lu angel ah. Gua dembak-dembak lu. Dembak manyak sikit kat lemak lu tu. Wa kasih tau lu ah, exercise sikit supaya tak kena ejek juga nanti. 

Bruh, idgaf to people that tease me 'cause I'm fat. You're just jealous 'cause you're not a fatty like me, aye? Middul fingah foh u! .|.

Off! Mau cari mangsa bewebcam. Night(;

Ninja out!

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