10122011-11122011:Lunar Eclipse♥
On my blog in a Sunday morning. Yes it's 1:22 am, still I can't sleep. I was sleeping by now. Well, suppose to. I got many thoughts right now. Darn, I can't stop thinking bout something that, really, really not important for me already. Just go away from my life k? I don't wanna talk about you anymore. Done talking about you.
You know, I love you so much but why? You make my life miserable everyday. Uh, it's like I'm invisible for you now. For now on. Okay I give up, you win. You WON. I don't want to say anything again. You're the winner so, be proud 'cause you'd just broke a girl's heart.
Saya diam diam sini sakit berapa minggu sudah. Terus saya nampak post kau gitu tambah saya sakit bro. Wa hebatnyer. Tak sangka eh? Lepas dah berbaik dengan aku, terus gaya buruk awak sambung balik kan? Okay la. Tak tau nak cakap apa lagi. Wak menang, gua kalah. Kalau dah gini, memang confirm la saya nak pindah gi Tambunan. Tidak mau tengok muka kau lagi di Keningau. Abang, sakit la bang.
Dah berapa kali dah abang kasih sakit adik ne. Belum cukup lagi ka? Amaaaaaa~
Dui gima gia kau bang, sudah la k? Saya puas sudah dengan karena kau tu. Puas saya tengok muka kau. Walaupun kita terserempak 2 kali saja, puas sudah okay? Kalau terserempak lagi, ne kali memang saya tidak mau tengok muka kau. Hahaha, ne kali la angel. Kau memang hebat.
Hey brotha, if you're reading this, please don't ever say Hi or whatever it is to me again aye? I'm tired of your attitude, you keep hurting my heart. You said you wont hurt it again but you did it again. Oh gosh, I'm hoping for you bro, I'm hoping that you'll never hurt my feelings again but you did. You broke your promises, our promises. You said you wouldn't let me go but you did, you did okay?
You did it again and I'm tired. I'm tired with your act. I loose hope from you.
I'll pray for you. God bless you and her. Have a great life and yea, I thought you were the one for me but I was wrong, I was super wrong. Jesus, I know this is a temptation before Christmas. Anything happen, I'll surrender and give it to you, God because you are the only one who understands me a lot. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.
Oh yeah, it's eclipse just now. Omg it was great. Me, Gine and Chien were up at the tank picnic while watching the great LUNAR ECLIPSE. We ate maggie, banana fries, cakes and biscuits, orange juice and some music. Yeah, great night. For sure. Well, everyone in the neighbourhood is also enjoying it. Duh they are. The entire Keningau is. I know, very very the sakaii. xD lol for that.
I'm fulled. Truly. I don't know but I'm sure that I'll be a pig soon. Or maybe tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, next day, other next day, and next day, another next day. Pfft I sounded like Mr. Crab. Hahaha ;D I'm su pah fa ni.
Get it? ha ha ha.
You mad? No aye? 'Cause ya'll love me. Awe, love you too. *Parasan* Okay I'm crapping right now.
Facebook ribut pasal Eclipse. Enough, Eclipse was past just now at 1.31 am. Wait for next year again k peeps? Wait for Solar Eclipse on November 13-14, 2012. Yes, Malaysia will hit by the Solar Eclipse too. If you want to know more about next year's Solar Eclipse, click here.
Today as on Sunday is the 3 week of Advent. Yipeee! Two more weeks and Christmas is here! Super happy bout it! The carolers will come here on Thursday. Very very cannot wait for it, and my heart is jumping non-stop right now. Wow, I'm so excited? I can't believe it! Haha.
Yeah can't wait to go back to Tambunan! Jyeaaaaaah and most of all, Jesus Christ our Savior's birthday! We could not forget about you, God. We will always love you and you remain forever in our heart. Fuck you Santa Claus. Because of you, my Lord is sad every year. Stop hypnotizing those kids that you're really exist but you're not. You just been made up by those shit freemason.
Screw them all, really.
I'm mad. I am mad. K stop angel, you're making yourself miserable. lmfao -.-
Aights, night everybody! I'm sleepy, veryyyyyyyy ;O ><"
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
10122011-11122011:Lunar Eclipse♥
On my blog in a Sunday morning. Yes it's 1:22 am, still I can't sleep. I was sleeping by now. Well, suppose to. I got many thoughts right now. Darn, I can't stop thinking bout something that, really, really not important for me already. Just go away from my life k? I don't wanna talk about you anymore. Done talking about you.
You know, I love you so much but why? You make my life miserable everyday. Uh, it's like I'm invisible for you now. For now on. Okay I give up, you win. You WON. I don't want to say anything again. You're the winner so, be proud 'cause you'd just broke a girl's heart.
Saya diam diam sini sakit berapa minggu sudah. Terus saya nampak post kau gitu tambah saya sakit bro. Wa hebatnyer. Tak sangka eh? Lepas dah berbaik dengan aku, terus gaya buruk awak sambung balik kan? Okay la. Tak tau nak cakap apa lagi. Wak menang, gua kalah. Kalau dah gini, memang confirm la saya nak pindah gi Tambunan. Tidak mau tengok muka kau lagi di Keningau. Abang, sakit la bang.
Dah berapa kali dah abang kasih sakit adik ne. Belum cukup lagi ka? Amaaaaaa~
Dui gima gia kau bang, sudah la k? Saya puas sudah dengan karena kau tu. Puas saya tengok muka kau. Walaupun kita terserempak 2 kali saja, puas sudah okay? Kalau terserempak lagi, ne kali memang saya tidak mau tengok muka kau. Hahaha, ne kali la angel. Kau memang hebat.
Hey brotha, if you're reading this, please don't ever say Hi or whatever it is to me again aye? I'm tired of your attitude, you keep hurting my heart. You said you wont hurt it again but you did it again. Oh gosh, I'm hoping for you bro, I'm hoping that you'll never hurt my feelings again but you did. You broke your promises, our promises. You said you wouldn't let me go but you did, you did okay?
You did it again and I'm tired. I'm tired with your act. I loose hope from you.
I'll pray for you. God bless you and her. Have a great life and yea, I thought you were the one for me but I was wrong, I was super wrong. Jesus, I know this is a temptation before Christmas. Anything happen, I'll surrender and give it to you, God because you are the only one who understands me a lot. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.
Oh yeah, it's eclipse just now. Omg it was great. Me, Gine and Chien were up at the tank picnic while watching the great LUNAR ECLIPSE. We ate maggie, banana fries, cakes and biscuits, orange juice and some music. Yeah, great night. For sure. Well, everyone in the neighbourhood is also enjoying it. Duh they are. The entire Keningau is. I know, very very the sakaii. xD lol for that.
I'm fulled. Truly. I don't know but I'm sure that I'll be a pig soon. Or maybe tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, next day, other next day, and next day, another next day. Pfft I sounded like Mr. Crab. Hahaha ;D I'm su pah fa ni.
Get it? ha ha ha.
You mad? No aye? 'Cause ya'll love me. Awe, love you too. *Parasan* Okay I'm crapping right now.
Facebook ribut pasal Eclipse. Enough, Eclipse was past just now at 1.31 am. Wait for next year again k peeps? Wait for Solar Eclipse on November 13-14, 2012. Yes, Malaysia will hit by the Solar Eclipse too. If you want to know more about next year's Solar Eclipse, click here.
Today as on Sunday is the 3 week of Advent. Yipeee! Two more weeks and Christmas is here! Super happy bout it! The carolers will come here on Thursday. Very very cannot wait for it, and my heart is jumping non-stop right now. Wow, I'm so excited? I can't believe it! Haha.
Yeah can't wait to go back to Tambunan! Jyeaaaaaah and most of all, Jesus Christ our Savior's birthday! We could not forget about you, God. We will always love you and you remain forever in our heart. Fuck you Santa Claus. Because of you, my Lord is sad every year. Stop hypnotizing those kids that you're really exist but you're not. You just been made up by those shit freemason.
Screw them all, really.
I'm mad. I am mad. K stop angel, you're making yourself miserable. lmfao -.-
Aights, night everybody! I'm sleepy, veryyyyyyyy ;O ><"
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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