1st of December.
Ola senor, senorita ;) *winkwink!*
It's the 1st day of December! Jyeaaaaaaah.
So yeah, Goodbye November, Hello December! ♥
November? Oh gosh really? It sucks okay? People left me very soon, a person annoyed me, yakking bang at my back and whatever it is but still a shit for me!
Ugh quit it November is past. So past is past, get on with December.
December is always the most favourite month in my life. I can't believe that the month Christmas is here, today! Wohooooooooooo. It's all about Christ, the sound of jingling bells, Christmas carolers, family and friends, games, barbecue-ing and adventures. lol for the "adventures" thingy.
Nothing to do. Just finished decorating the Christmas tree with Gine and Chien. My love-able housemate, heehoo;3 I love them both truly much. I never abandon them and I never ever want to do revenge on them 'cause they are superbly nice for me. Angel that sent by God I guess? Yeah. Us three are annoying really, I confess. Well if you can't stand with us then go away. lmfao.
Ding's birthday party is going to be celebrate tomorrow. Ohmaigawd I hope he didn't invited my ex. Hahaha oh gosh stop yappin' already angel. I'm effin' nervous okay? Now I'm overreacting. I don't want him to come. Euw. But I'm gonna be okay cuhs Gine and Chien are here with meh' always. And by that, maybe Gwenny's coming? I hope. I miss my lunatic cousin sooooooooooooooooooooooo very very much. Jyeah Adza is coming too, my sister in-law. Hahah. I miss Gwenny and Adza fucking much!
I love you wen and nayang! Cepatcepat kamu p sini! Sa tlmpau rindu kamu sudah ni tau.
Watching Pink Panther show! Pfffffft imma still a kiddo. It's just, that cartoon is funny. Even though sometimes it's a silent comedy, still funny okay? Watching tele and blogging and facebook.
Last person I called? : BeyB. Adza's big sis.
Wuuu, I'm super boring. No one texted me. Nella is at the Philippines, Nadine sanaaaa Ranau, Flory? Rumah! hahah but I don't want to disturb her. Maybe she have her own privacy to do. See? I love my besties okay? Hahaha.
sayang korang k? idgaf to others yg kutukkutuk atau tikam belakang kat korang. nyah diorang tu, tak gune langsung. #sial lah puih!
Semenanjung Malay alert! Psst, I'm so weird aye? Superrrrrr -.-
Well goodbye November! Sucks to be you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA for youu ;p
gtg, out of words.
Ninja out!;)
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥
1st of December.
Ola senor, senorita ;) *winkwink!*
It's the 1st day of December! Jyeaaaaaaah.
So yeah, Goodbye November, Hello December! ♥
November? Oh gosh really? It sucks okay? People left me very soon, a person annoyed me, yakking bang at my back and whatever it is but still a shit for me!
Ugh quit it November is past. So past is past, get on with December.
December is always the most favourite month in my life. I can't believe that the month Christmas is here, today! Wohooooooooooo. It's all about Christ, the sound of jingling bells, Christmas carolers, family and friends, games, barbecue-ing and adventures. lol for the "adventures" thingy.
Nothing to do. Just finished decorating the Christmas tree with Gine and Chien. My love-able housemate, heehoo;3 I love them both truly much. I never abandon them and I never ever want to do revenge on them 'cause they are superbly nice for me. Angel that sent by God I guess? Yeah. Us three are annoying really, I confess. Well if you can't stand with us then go away. lmfao.
Ding's birthday party is going to be celebrate tomorrow. Ohmaigawd I hope he didn't invited my ex. Hahaha oh gosh stop yappin' already angel. I'm effin' nervous okay? Now I'm overreacting. I don't want him to come. Euw. But I'm gonna be okay cuhs Gine and Chien are here with meh' always. And by that, maybe Gwenny's coming? I hope. I miss my lunatic cousin sooooooooooooooooooooooo very very much. Jyeah Adza is coming too, my sister in-law. Hahah. I miss Gwenny and Adza fucking much!
I love you wen and nayang! Cepatcepat kamu p sini! Sa tlmpau rindu kamu sudah ni tau.
Watching Pink Panther show! Pfffffft imma still a kiddo. It's just, that cartoon is funny. Even though sometimes it's a silent comedy, still funny okay? Watching tele and blogging and facebook.
Last person I called? : BeyB. Adza's big sis.
Wuuu, I'm super boring. No one texted me. Nella is at the Philippines, Nadine sanaaaa Ranau, Flory? Rumah! hahah but I don't want to disturb her. Maybe she have her own privacy to do. See? I love my besties okay? Hahaha.
sayang korang k? idgaf to others yg kutukkutuk atau tikam belakang kat korang. nyah diorang tu, tak gune langsung. #sial lah puih!
Semenanjung Malay alert! Psst, I'm so weird aye? Superrrrrr -.-
Well goodbye November! Sucks to be you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA for youu ;p
gtg, out of words.
Ninja out!;)
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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