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She said:
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Sup mateys!
Welcome to my feminine kinda girlish blog, huh.
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I guarantee you'll gain nothing, dude, dudettes.
You got me? Good.
Hope you wont get bored. Adios!

The blog's owner

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Ngehehe ;3
Monday, June 27, 2011 | ? 0 Comments

I don't why and how, my love with you become bigger and stronger. And I just know, that you'll be mine forever, and ever and ever. Lasting forever. Amen.

Ugh, I didn't eat anything in one day. My stomach is screaming like hell but I only drink water and milk. That's all. I'm not saying that I'm diet or somethin' else, I just, don't have any mood. I wanna eat so badly but I just can't. And I don't know what's the prob is. *Sigh* :O

What's wrong with me? Oh yea. About just now, we're texting actually until now. He was like: "heyyyy? line kili.." and I was like: "aaaa? npa?" and then he was like: "sot tu line, bakar tu pncwng celcom bsuk." Ohh, sandi oh him xD

Tringggggg~!! *Sound of the bell ringing* *Enters the exam room and knocked the door* "Good afternoon, Sir :)" "Good afternoon. Please sit :D" My conversation with the examiner that afternoon when my turn to be examine. Haha, please enjoy this next conversation.

Sir: "Would you like to start on your pieces first or the scales?" Me: "I would like to start the scales first please, Sir." Sir: "All right then. Before that, you can speak British aye?" Me: "Yes, Sir. I do and I speak in British, really." Sir: "That's nice. You watch Narnia?" Me: "Oh, I do watch that Sir. I like the Movie." Sir: "Great, how about Harry Potter?" Me: "Oh, Sir, I really love that Movie. And I did watch the Deathly Hallows part 1. Hee :)" Sir: "Oh really? Me too! That Movie is really fascinating!" Me: "I know right, Sir." Sir: "*Giggles* :D Okay let us start, shall we?" Me: "Yes, Sir."

LOL all of a sudden the examiner asked me like that. Haha. xD Aren't you shock if a Britain person ask you like that in a surprise way? I know I do 'cause I've been like that today. Lmfao Everyday I'm Shufflin'. Gahaha.

kays,nightpottersmarslovejesusfamilyhimfriendandall <3

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