4 months, 138 days, 3333 hours, 199975 minutes and 11998482 seconds left.
Hey! I'm back with hyperactive mood. Yea cool (:
Oh the title? Hm about that, I searched for 2011 Christmas countdown so there it was, 4 months, 138 days, 3333 hours, 199975 minutes and 11998482 seconds left. Wow still have to wait for a looooooooong time. *Sigh*
Er, I don't know what's wrong with me actually. Suddenly I got the Christmas spirit but it's still early, Hari Raya haven't celebrate yet Christmas Day. Haha, seriously am a weirdo. WE-IR-DO. So true. What kind of person in a spirit mood to wait until Christmas Day? I know! A weirdo, like meh'. HAH!
Haha! Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah! This picture above: FTW man, FTW. Actually, all I want for Christmas is you too, and a new Ipod, a ticket to WWHOP, Rupert Grint, The Tales of Beedle The Bard, Chocolate, The Phelps Twins, a camera, lots of Money $$, Beauty and The Beast on DVD, A Mansion with a swimming pool, fifteen puppies and a Rocket Ship! Win forever.
Kay, gotta iron mah' uniform. Tomorrow is Monday, again -,-" Ugh.
Labels: My Life
4 months, 138 days, 3333 hours, 199975 minutes and 11998482 seconds left.
Hey! I'm back with hyperactive mood. Yea cool (:
Oh the title? Hm about that, I searched for 2011 Christmas countdown so there it was, 4 months, 138 days, 3333 hours, 199975 minutes and 11998482 seconds left. Wow still have to wait for a looooooooong time. *Sigh*
Er, I don't know what's wrong with me actually. Suddenly I got the Christmas spirit but it's still early, Hari Raya haven't celebrate yet Christmas Day. Haha, seriously am a weirdo. WE-IR-DO. So true. What kind of person in a spirit mood to wait until Christmas Day? I know! A weirdo, like meh'. HAH!
Haha! Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah! This picture above: FTW man, FTW. Actually, all I want for Christmas is you too, and a new Ipod, a ticket to WWHOP, Rupert Grint, The Tales of Beedle The Bard, Chocolate, The Phelps Twins, a camera, lots of Money $$, Beauty and The Beast on DVD, A Mansion with a swimming pool, fifteen puppies and a Rocket Ship! Win forever.
Kay, gotta iron mah' uniform. Tomorrow is Monday, again -,-" Ugh.
Labels: My Life
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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