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Life goes on and on


She said:
Hello and welcome!
Sup mateys!
Welcome to my feminine kinda girlish blog, huh.
Join and read about my life.
I guarantee you'll gain nothing, dude, dudettes.
You got me? Good.
Hope you wont get bored. Adios!

The blog's owner

Again, no COPYING, SKANKS and SPAMS. Gracias!


Edit by :林羽兒
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4 months, 138 days, 3333 hours, 199975 minutes and 11998482 seconds left.
Sunday, August 7, 2011 | ? 0 Comments

Hey! I'm back with hyperactive mood. Yea cool (:

Oh the title? Hm about that, I searched for 2011 Christmas countdown so there it was, 4 months, 138 days, 3333 hours, 199975 minutes and 11998482 seconds left. Wow still have to wait for a looooooooong time. *Sigh* 

Er, I don't know what's wrong with me actually. Suddenly I got the Christmas spirit but it's still early, Hari Raya haven't celebrate yet Christmas Day. Haha, seriously am a weirdo. WE-IR-DO. So true. What kind of person in a spirit mood to wait until Christmas Day? I know! A weirdo, like meh'. HAH! 

Haha! Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah! This picture above: FTW man, FTW. Actually, all I want for Christmas is you too, and a new Ipod, a ticket to WWHOP, Rupert Grint, The Tales of Beedle The Bard, Chocolate, The Phelps Twins, a camera, lots of Money $$, Beauty and The Beast on DVD, A Mansion with a swimming pool, fifteen puppies and a Rocket Ship! Win forever. 

Kay, gotta iron mah' uniform. Tomorrow is Monday, again -,-" Ugh. 

