Hey. I'm back! Back with hurt feelings. Le derp. -,-
I made facts about my crush. He was the one who started first. He called me and asked, "Why you like me so much? Tell me bout' it." In that very moment, I was shocked. I'm speechless. I don't know what to say but I have to say the truth. I said 14 truth facts about him and guess what he said? Naaaaah secret. 831 :)
Later on, days passed by. We're texting and babbling more. Then I told him another 15 facts about him. This time he laughed out loud. He keep asking about the facts, even if we're calling. Now I wrote by myself without him asking or told me to do it, 'cause he didn't care about me anymore. Maybe he found someone who's more better than me. I'm thinking to rip off the facts that I wrote but, no. I'll just save it for memories. It's okay if he don't even talk to me, I'll still keep the facts.
You don't even know what I feel right now dude. It's like hell inside, burning and screaming in tears. *sigh* I thought you'll never change but guess what, you did. You're different than ever. Well maybe you wanted to focus on your studies for pmr next month. Yeah, sorry for bothering you.
If you saw this, please don't text me again. Thank you.
Labels: My Life
Um, bored at home.
It's been awhile. So yeah, I updated my blog. Like it? Thanks! Dislike? GTFO! 7 days left till PMR. Good luck for PMR candidates! Wish you guys wisdom and protection. God bless and don't forget to bring your shotguns! Lmfao kidding.
I didn't went to school today. You know why? Because of that stupid gate! Ugh, man I'm bored at home. Curse you gate! It got stuck this morning. Mom, bro and me used our superman strength and yea still, can't! Mom called the operator for the gate. He arrived and he only opened the screw and the gate can open. Nigga, I'd wasted my time to knocked you out, kicked, and that simple thing to open the screw. Now I'm stuck at home. wtfshit epic man-,-"
Now idk what to do in this house. There's no one to text with 'cause all of my mates went to school. If I on my facebook, the teachers in school will know that I didn't went to school today even if I off my chat. Hard aye? I know. Ugh.
Now am listening to radio bayu to released my tension. Haha. Hearin' those dusun songs makes me feel better. I was born dusun. I must respect my own culture, race tradition and family tradition. teheee;3 Hearin' those songs makes me wanted December to arrive quickly 'cause I missed Tanaki, Tambunan! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Please be fast! I really can't wait! But before that, I want to study hard for Final Examination 'cause I want to in 2 Setia next year. Wish me luck! :)
Haaaaaaaaaaa. Tryin' to use lomo projector. I know it doesn't look very good but at least I'd tried. I was bored so I edited it. Ohohoho :D Today, I'm waiting for my second brother from Labuan to back here. Can't wait! I missed him already! awee;3 haha! I want those chocolates that he bought from there. I hope he's okay in his way to go back to Keningau. Amen.
Mkay I'm out of words so k bye.
Labels: My Life, ohana♥, Photography
Friends are great, Scout's more awesome.
Scout #06 SM Ken Hwa ♥
Kita Satu Malaysia!
awee ;3
me, lala, joyy ♥
adeq, angel ♥
We're cooler than you.
Bebeath(; muaahmuaah! ♥ (i'm at the back. lol looked how spoiled am i. -,-)
So yea, I'm just gonna post some pictures of us(scout 06) 'cause I really love them. All of them are great. Sometimes there'll be fight in us, but it's that real important. It's okay that we got in 3rd place, there're still a lot of chances to win next year or incoming year. In Scout 06, we're all a big "scout" family. Friendly, understanding, helping each other, advising. But some of them can't see it. I can 'cause I really care about Scout 06. I love them. I will never change to other contingent. I will always stick with Scout. Scout forever baby. Oh yeah ♥
That's it for tonight. Goodnight :)
No matter what happen, we're still scouting. Live as a scout, Die as a scout. I love Scout #06 ♥
Labels: High School ♥, kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
Burned in Flame.
Yoooooooooooooooooooo! I broke up with him. He's too ego and I don't like it. Pfffffffftt -,-
Hello hi hey yo ha!
On 13 & 14 of September 2011, SM Ken Hwa High School held a sports day and it was a great sports day in my entire life. Even though I got sunburned, fever, dizziness and sore throat, still can be in action. lol. Didn't took part in any sports. Only scout duty and scout march. Scout was in 3rd place. *sigh* Sad. Some of us cried that day. I don't know why we got in 3rd place but, it's okay. Still got next year for another chance. :)
Tomorrow's school. Damn it. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo lazy. 2 months left and bye school and hello holidays. Oh yeah. Please be fast! I promise I'll study hard and less online and next year I'll still stay in the second class a.k.a 2 Sopan(2012). *Desperate duh* ;D I am 'cause I still want to stay in my old class. Then before entering form 3, I want to in first class a.k.a 3 Setia(2013). Hahaha. Sucks to be me. alang-alang next year masuk klas 2 setia. lagi bgus. doiii. xD Gotta study hard, gotta put my asses off and start my brain connections back! Uh huh, that's what I'm talking about. Lmfao ><"
I almost forgot! I got a new crush. This boy is kinda nice, funny, great and yea, lots! He's always there for me, text me all day and even call me. Yup, gotta admit. Haha. But this one girl, had a crush on him. Am a like: stay away from him you hobnocker. I had a crush on him since last year, and yea, this is true. Gotta admit it, again. Gee girl, I'll burn you in the dungeon.
She just wants to try what my slipper taste like. Well okay, I'll give you to try my slipper then, and watch your mouth if you're wall to wall with him in facebook or face to face. Don't take him 'cause he's mine. GTFO lady!
Oooooooooooooh and lastly! My besties flory already back from Australia. Seriously, I'm super jealous her. Gonna kill her tomorrow in school. Rofl. I miss her. Aweee ♥ Hug is a must if I meet her tomorrow. lama sudah tidak nampak dia. rindu sudah sama c flory kiu gin ee! ;3
Okay then, that's all. This is just a quick update for my blog. So yeah, goodbye mah' mateys!
Labels: My Life
Hey. I'm back! Back with hurt feelings. Le derp. -,-
I made facts about my crush. He was the one who started first. He called me and asked, "Why you like me so much? Tell me bout' it." In that very moment, I was shocked. I'm speechless. I don't know what to say but I have to say the truth. I said 14 truth facts about him and guess what he said? Naaaaah secret. 831 :)
Later on, days passed by. We're texting and babbling more. Then I told him another 15 facts about him. This time he laughed out loud. He keep asking about the facts, even if we're calling. Now I wrote by myself without him asking or told me to do it, 'cause he didn't care about me anymore. Maybe he found someone who's more better than me. I'm thinking to rip off the facts that I wrote but, no. I'll just save it for memories. It's okay if he don't even talk to me, I'll still keep the facts.
You don't even know what I feel right now dude. It's like hell inside, burning and screaming in tears. *sigh* I thought you'll never change but guess what, you did. You're different than ever. Well maybe you wanted to focus on your studies for pmr next month. Yeah, sorry for bothering you.
If you saw this, please don't text me again. Thank you.
Labels: My Life
Um, bored at home.
It's been awhile. So yeah, I updated my blog. Like it? Thanks! Dislike? GTFO! 7 days left till PMR. Good luck for PMR candidates! Wish you guys wisdom and protection. God bless and don't forget to bring your shotguns! Lmfao kidding.
I didn't went to school today. You know why? Because of that stupid gate! Ugh, man I'm bored at home. Curse you gate! It got stuck this morning. Mom, bro and me used our superman strength and yea still, can't! Mom called the operator for the gate. He arrived and he only opened the screw and the gate can open. Nigga, I'd wasted my time to knocked you out, kicked, and that simple thing to open the screw. Now I'm stuck at home. wtfshit epic man-,-"
Now idk what to do in this house. There's no one to text with 'cause all of my mates went to school. If I on my facebook, the teachers in school will know that I didn't went to school today even if I off my chat. Hard aye? I know. Ugh.
Now am listening to radio bayu to released my tension. Haha. Hearin' those dusun songs makes me feel better. I was born dusun. I must respect my own culture, race tradition and family tradition. teheee;3 Hearin' those songs makes me wanted December to arrive quickly 'cause I missed Tanaki, Tambunan! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Please be fast! I really can't wait! But before that, I want to study hard for Final Examination 'cause I want to in 2 Setia next year. Wish me luck! :)
Haaaaaaaaaaa. Tryin' to use lomo projector. I know it doesn't look very good but at least I'd tried. I was bored so I edited it. Ohohoho :D Today, I'm waiting for my second brother from Labuan to back here. Can't wait! I missed him already! awee;3 haha! I want those chocolates that he bought from there. I hope he's okay in his way to go back to Keningau. Amen.
Mkay I'm out of words so k bye.
Labels: My Life, ohana♥, Photography
Friends are great, Scout's more awesome.
Scout #06 SM Ken Hwa ♥
Kita Satu Malaysia!
awee ;3
me, lala, joyy ♥
adeq, angel ♥
We're cooler than you.
Bebeath(; muaahmuaah! ♥ (i'm at the back. lol looked how spoiled am i. -,-)
So yea, I'm just gonna post some pictures of us(scout 06) 'cause I really love them. All of them are great. Sometimes there'll be fight in us, but it's that real important. It's okay that we got in 3rd place, there're still a lot of chances to win next year or incoming year. In Scout 06, we're all a big "scout" family. Friendly, understanding, helping each other, advising. But some of them can't see it. I can 'cause I really care about Scout 06. I love them. I will never change to other contingent. I will always stick with Scout. Scout forever baby. Oh yeah ♥
That's it for tonight. Goodnight :)
No matter what happen, we're still scouting. Live as a scout, Die as a scout. I love Scout #06 ♥
Labels: High School ♥, kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
Burned in Flame.
Yoooooooooooooooooooo! I broke up with him. He's too ego and I don't like it. Pfffffffftt -,-
Hello hi hey yo ha!
On 13 & 14 of September 2011, SM Ken Hwa High School held a sports day and it was a great sports day in my entire life. Even though I got sunburned, fever, dizziness and sore throat, still can be in action. lol. Didn't took part in any sports. Only scout duty and scout march. Scout was in 3rd place. *sigh* Sad. Some of us cried that day. I don't know why we got in 3rd place but, it's okay. Still got next year for another chance. :)
Tomorrow's school. Damn it. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo lazy. 2 months left and bye school and hello holidays. Oh yeah. Please be fast! I promise I'll study hard and less online and next year I'll still stay in the second class a.k.a 2 Sopan(2012). *Desperate duh* ;D I am 'cause I still want to stay in my old class. Then before entering form 3, I want to in first class a.k.a 3 Setia(2013). Hahaha. Sucks to be me. alang-alang next year masuk klas 2 setia. lagi bgus. doiii. xD Gotta study hard, gotta put my asses off and start my brain connections back! Uh huh, that's what I'm talking about. Lmfao ><"
I almost forgot! I got a new crush. This boy is kinda nice, funny, great and yea, lots! He's always there for me, text me all day and even call me. Yup, gotta admit. Haha. But this one girl, had a crush on him. Am a like: stay away from him you hobnocker. I had a crush on him since last year, and yea, this is true. Gotta admit it, again. Gee girl, I'll burn you in the dungeon.
She just wants to try what my slipper taste like. Well okay, I'll give you to try my slipper then, and watch your mouth if you're wall to wall with him in facebook or face to face. Don't take him 'cause he's mine. GTFO lady!
Oooooooooooooh and lastly! My besties flory already back from Australia. Seriously, I'm super jealous her. Gonna kill her tomorrow in school. Rofl. I miss her. Aweee ♥ Hug is a must if I meet her tomorrow. lama sudah tidak nampak dia. rindu sudah sama c flory kiu gin ee! ;3
Okay then, that's all. This is just a quick update for my blog. So yeah, goodbye mah' mateys!
Labels: My Life
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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