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Life goes on and on


She said:
Hello and welcome!
Sup mateys!
Welcome to my feminine kinda girlish blog, huh.
Join and read about my life.
I guarantee you'll gain nothing, dude, dudettes.
You got me? Good.
Hope you wont get bored. Adios!

The blog's owner

Again, no COPYING, SKANKS and SPAMS. Gracias!


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21122011:Awesome night♥
Thursday, December 22, 2011 | ? 0 Comments

Ola hello hi everyone. Goodnight and shalom.

Just got back from the Dance Revolution at Complex, I mean at 9 something just now. Got back from complex, then change clothes and go to kitchen and eat 'cause I didn't have my dinner before going there. *Poor me, too excited to go* I'm with Ally, Belle and Rachel

I saw my friend posted on her profile that Gzow won! Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaah man. But really they deserve to be on the 1st place or nice to say, Winner! Oh my, I'm so proud of them. Hey followers, if you went to DR just now, Gzow is the best crew right? Awmaigawd the way they breaking, acting and and and dance freely were amazaynnnnnn! Like Zayn Malik. Hahaha my my, I'm out of the topic. For me, Gzow, Killer Squad and Exbop are sick! Awesome, dope! MIC is okay too ;3

I didn't record it, Ally and Belle did. Yeah forgot to tell that I'm half deaf. You know why? The two cute girls were screaming like they saw a ghost. Nah, more like a cute girl are screaming like in heaven. trolololol for that. Well, they are. Duh ;D But yea I'm screaming like a screamo that is half dead. 


Okay I'm off. Off to sleep. Yeay! :)

God bless, xo,Angel(;

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