Wasted (Part II)
I'm too busy with school, until I forgot about my precious blog.
Soooooooooooooooooo jahat de.
Oh well.
Hello bloggy, followers and whoever is visiting my blog.
Sorry for not updating my blog, I'm just too busy with school-life.
Like seriously, I don't have a time to relax. Oh facebook? It's like, only 2 until 3 hours I online. Then off.
Except for holidays. Yeah.
Next week Wednesday is 'Ching Ming Jie'. It's for the Chinese people. Er, kasi bersih kuburan. hehe.
And on Friday it's Good Friday.
So this week is the last week of fasting. After all this time. God, sorry for what bad things that I had done to you and others. I'm imperfect, easy to fall in sins. Bless me, Lord.
Let's talk about March, shall we?
On the 12th of March, it's the 1st test holiday. Nothing to do at home, just another boring first day of holiday. Lala called me and told me there's a 'Life In The Spirit Seminar for Teens' at Church. Took a shower, and at 2. Off to Church with mommy, bringing 2 put of rice. Wait for Lala and Wanda, I met Kellyn and Dymphna. We 5 stay strong together that time on Seminar. We know more about God, we wanna get near with Him, because he's the God and no other God that should be praised, instead of Him, Lord, Jesus Christ.
I'm so happy 'cause I have the chance to go to that Seminar and I didn't waste my holiday, staying at home, watching tv and gain fats. But I went to Seminar, that changed my life. That cured my inner-wound, and outpouring of holy spirit. That two were my favourite part in throughout the Seminar.
I'm happy that God, written my name on his palm. I'm the chosen one, and I'm happy that you've picked me, Lord. Hallelujah to the Lord. The Seminar was held on 3 days, and yes, it was spontaneously HOLY-FUN! Hallelujah :)
Last Friday a.k.a 23rd of March, our school has held a Prime Camp or in Malay 'Kem Perdana'. I didn't expected that I will became the platoon leader of Scout. Another great experience I earn. As a leader, I must have the responsibility in me, take care and tolerance with my members. On Saturday night was the 'Night Culture'. You know what we Scout 06 performed? Dikir Barat okay? HAHAHAH :D Wow, we are awesome that time. I will not forget that moment, moment in time. Gosh!
Last day was the sukaneka and after that, we got a 'Yell revenge'. <-- lmfao for that. Lastly, it's the result time. We won a lot of award. Yeah, we got in 1st place on 'Night Culture performance'. The most happiest award I got was the "Best female participant". AAAAAAAAHHHH! I'm screaming inside! Wicked awesome, best momentos eva :)
Hah, that was fun right?
I know! But time wont turn back, so, it's just a memory. Awesome memory ever, never ever ever will forget that camp. Fyi, it was my first time to join Prime camp. lqtm. -.-
I don't give a damn buddy, asalkan saya ada pergi.
Such Malay, and that's a good call for me.
Scout 06 forever dude.
I never wanna change other units, always and forever scout.
You heard me people? Want me to repeat?
Is it enough?
Good. I like that.
okay that's it.
Funfair tomorrow with Nella, Nadine, Jacinta and ze other girlfriendsssss ♥
Gonna zumba eh zumba lo ah with them.
Chiao people :)
God Bless, xo,Angel(; Labels: High School ♥, kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
1st test, oh well.
Good ze evening les gens.
I have an awesome Sunday!
All thanks to God, my family and best friends.
you guys are great! love you guys ♥
Fyi people, I'm on my way to learn another language.
And that is French.
French is the language of love.
Don't you just agree?
I fell in love with French language.
Okay enough. Anyway, my house is almost cracked up.
I can't even hear my own voice. I sing alone, well, still the same. I can't hear a single word that came out from my mouth just now.
My house is a pub for only tonight.
Dafug? -.-
Er, so, Wednesday is the 1st test.
I haven't study especially maths and history. I don't understand a thing what my maths and history teacher taught in class.
It's like they're talking nonsense.
Oh man how am I going to pass those two subjects? Ugh.
I hope I pass. I'll study smart and hard. lol. Amen.
*last minute study....... #DahBiasa.....*
Okay, I got nothing to do now.
Kena paksa minum El Diablo oh tadi. Damn.
Well, I'm gonna be 'tendeyutung' tomorrow, or 'lowong'. lmfao
Only a sip, and I'm already feeling dizzy. Ohhhhhhhhhhh ><"
Thank God tomorrow got no Science class. If there is, I'll be dead 'cause I haven't done Teacher Nurul's work.
But she's an angel to us all.
Alright, stop writing. I'm off to study maths and history.
I'm gonna put all of my guts down on that two horrible subjects, and my ass TOO.
Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥, Quote
My life must go on.
Good evening citizens of Townsville.
lol okay.
Another nonsense post for 3rd of March.
Here, tonight, I wanna say that, I give up.
I gave up liking you for 1 and a half year. It hurts me a lot. You gave me signs, you gave me hopes like seriously, that's too much hope already.
Do you ever feel, like a plastic bag, drifting through the winds, wanting to start again?
Yes, I did, many times.
Your happiness isn't helping, at all.
And this one girl, who likes you, told her friend that she likes you, and you like her too.
*wow, punya cepat kau suka kalau perempuan yang bebeh*
I know I'm not that pretty like her, smart and funny like her.
But please don't ever treat me like this.
You know what is heartbroken?
Heartbroken means suffering from or exhibiting overwhelming sorrow, grief or disappointment.
Now, did you get it?
Do you want to be run over a car?
I'm sure you don't wanna.
*unusual smile*
Uh forget about you.
I still remember that you talked to me yesterday but I didn't answer anything of your non-important questions.
I just looked at you, and smile, like a hyena.
Yes, smile is the greatest revenge.
But NO, I'm not going to do something bad on you.
I'm a good girl.
Good girl who is a bad girl that never been caught.
Agree? Yeah.
Mind your business dude.
You're too obnoxious.
I just can't resist watching your face from distance when the tokek man called me 'entei!'
Then the dimples came out.
Ugh quit it angel. You're over-reacting.
FML, it sucks, fer realz.
Never mind I'll find, someone like you. I wish nothing but the best, for you too.
i'm such an emo tonight. very euw.
So, yeah. That's it. I have to write a letter for my charismatic teacher 'cause I didn't attend the class for 3 times.
I hope I'm not lazy to write it.
I have to sleep early and wake early.
Oh wait, no.
I have sleep late so I can wake up earlier than 6.
HAHAHAHA awesome!
That is I, Hartzlin Vanzvanessa Julean Edris.
LOL too long.
Ninja out!
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Three cheers for the 2012 year.
Dear 2012, please be nice and HELLO MARCH!
Man, long time didn't update my blog.
Sorry bloggy :(
I was super busy with school. Actually, last week was the scout camp. Last three weeks has been cancelled. So, last Friday was the camp!
HAHAHAHA oh my gosh how are you my followers?
I got lots lots lots lots lots and TONS of story to tell, I mean to write.
Alright. So yeah, I'm super super super duper busy with school activities.
The reason why I joined school activities this year 'cause I want to make my co-curriculum marks higher than last year. I wanna make it all A.
You jelly? Buy some.
Okay, so I joined the debate competition as I wrote on my last post. Last Monday was the last practice.
We discussed about the first motion and oh my freaking doughnut, my brain exploded.
They were discussing it and I was like:
I got no idea what were they talking of.
Teacher Vivi said it's okay. This is debate. We have to think quickly to find the main points to let the other schools break down.
Okay here's the confession.
I'm addicted to troll comics, the meme's faces. All of it.
Plus, Sabah got Sabahan Troll page now on Facebook. Go go go! Go and like the page!
Oh my gawsh Sabahan rule!
Okay, back to the topic.
Busy busy busy, no time to relax.
Everyday is a busy day for me.
Monday busy, Tuesday busy, Wednesday busy, Thursday busy, Friday busy, Saturday busy, Sunday busy.
But still I can go to church. You think I'm a lazy butt who doesn't want to meet God and pray for Him?
You skank.
You scared? Be scared, skank.
Hahahaha. I don't know what the heck am I writing right now.
Okay,so the next day is 28/02/2012 a.k.a Tuesday.
the day had come....
I was shaking real hard 'cause I'm freaking nervous. Well, who wouldn't?
I tried to avoid the nervous in me, and it worked out. I smiled and looked confident to the competitors. HIHI :D
The competition was held in SMK Bingkor.
First round: we were debating with SMK Apin-Apin
Second round: we were debating with SMK Bingkor
Final round: we were debating with SM Sfx
Oh my gosh sfx were tough, I mean they're powerful.
But thank God, we won and Clara got the Best Speaker in debating.
Well, she is :)
And yes, we're satisfied with the result. So, the practice really paid us off. Phew.
Another story that I have to tell...
So on 18/02/2012 got a special event. You know what event was on that day right?
Only some of you know.
It was the "Pencarian Juara-Juara Belia" something like that. The organizer was the Puteri UMNO.
There were Skate, Dance competition and the other one I don't know what's it called. It's more like sukaneka.
Exbop. We are everything about 'EX'.
Ha, see that? That gerenget face of mine? I was tired after dancing. The weather was hot on that Saturday afternoon. But still it's fun.
*hancur ba makeup saya oh my gosh asdyjcvbipkl;vytfvbn*
Sweating that time, and stinky. Hahah nah still fresh as a lavender. lol.
Jane did the makeup, shorts from Venny and big thanks to Blank for the shirt design!
[for more picture, check out in FACEBOOK. thanks.]
I have to say that, I'm really proud to be SM Ken Hwa's student.
You wanna know why?
WE, won the basketball competition, handball, public speaking and also debate. Not to say that we Ken Hwa's student are all arrogant. NO.
We're proud, and mostly, our Principle will be proud as much as we, her students feel proud like.
So please, don't underestimate us. Thanks. *peace*
Okay, that's enough. I have to ready 'cause I'm going to my piano class at 2. Yeah, bye people.
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first - Mark Twain
God Bless, xo,Angel(; Labels: Dance Dance :), High School ♥, kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, Quote
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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Thankyou for visiting my blog! I love you guys♥ -hartzlinvee(;