Easter Day!
Hallelujah! It's Easter Day yaw Christian buds.
Today is a great day for Christians. Who wouldn't appreciate this day aight'? That would be an idiot Christian if they didn't appreciate this Easter Day.
My cousin came here today. I'm super happy that I met them! Yipee~ After Mass, well, as usual, go MAKAN! Hahahaha xD
-At home-
Gwen(cousin) and I were like *QWERTY56&!$F?c>KhERG)&RG^#@zZXCVBN* together in my room. lmao :P We talked a lot of things like clothes, shoes, bags, artist, JB!, boys.... err, IDK! there's a LOT! :D We're the cool cousin.
After those cool talk, we went to a special place where they called 'TANGKI'. ><" yea, my house got a very special 'tangki'. It got a place to sit, or maybe you may picnic there. Bahaha!
We talk a lot of trash a.k.a talking trashy or shitty. xD We're so BAD.
Yea, then my boyfie called. Tehee, happy bout it. We talked a lot, he talked with Gwen a lot and this one thing I didn't satisfied was he told Gwen to punch my belly, pinch my face and told me to go to sleep. eeee I'm gonna kill him. X)
It's Midnight, Gwen already went back to Tambunan, boyfie already sleep away by dreams. Left me, alone, and still in the eyes with Blogger.
Okay, It's 00:03. Bye and Goodnight.
Labels: My Life
Holy Saturday (23042011)
Didn't made the time to write this about yesterday :)
-Afternoon 04:34 p.m-
It's time! The night before Easter Day! Yipeee! I'm super excited about this.
Just woke up from afternoon sleep.
Okay stay tuned. I'll be gone for many hours. I have to be ready for this big night! :D It's Holy Saturday a.k.a Candle Night. Uiyooo xD Hahaha. Bye, I have to go and take a bath! Dedaa~
-Midnight 12:23 a.m-
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ I'm tired, sleepy and got feet cramp! We were standing all the time, until Mass was ended. Gosh but yea, I met God and prayed for him and all of he's followers including my family and I.
And my friend Flory, she's already Baptist, Communion and Charisma! 3 in 1! I hate her! lmao X) Her baptist name is awesome : Shawnee Obrie ♥ Prettay eh?
Okay peeps! I'm gonna land to my bed and head of for a good night sleep and tomorrow is Easter Day! Yeaaaaaa~
Aights! Bye and Good night :)
Labels: My Life
Good Friday
It's Good Friday everybody! Happy Good Friday for all the Christians! Today, we respect for what Jesus had done to us, he sacrifice his life just to forgive our sins. I cried that time at church after I kissed the cross. :( I love you Jesus Christ ♥
And yea, it's the last day of fasting meat! YEA! Finally after all this month, I can eat pork everyday! Miahahaha xD
So yea, today is an awesome Good Friday.
I love Jesus Christ 'cause he's my life, my friend, my father and my GOD.
I love you God, Jesus Christ. I do♥
Labels: My Life
White Thursday
It's Holy Thursday today and I have to go to Church this evening. I wanna be holy this night. :D
Conversation with my brother:
Me: Ding, kw p church ka nnti?
Bro: Mmg la ba, pnting ba tu ngok.
Me: Yoii
TROLOLOLOLOLOL for that! Yea, gettin' ready to go. I'm with Flory. Or maybe Ornella and Nadine.
Stay tuned.
Labels: My Life
May I say what this called?

Yea this is me PEEPS! Looks weird that I can do this but uh huh, I 'CAN' do this! AHAHA!
Called babyfreeze :) I need to learn more about this break dance. And further more, not just break dance, there's a lot!
Examples like : Modern dance, Kpop, Popping, Locking and so so much more! Just like my Bro's team, Ex-R-Us. I'm part of their dance group now. I mean, WE are part of their team now. We're juniors of 'EX'. Uh yeaaa babeh xD
We got like maybe 9 members. Hartzlin(Me), Ornella, Flory, Nadine, Rista, Viki, Safiq, Wan and Chan. But this Chan boy got a bit lunatic. Pfffft ;O mulau punya Chan!
We remake our name 'cause the old one got no meaning. GAHAHA. sot -,-" The old one name group was 'Ex-Trimate' and yea, NO MEANINGS. lmao i laughed
We got meet up tomorrow, and super uh huh, we are everything about EX. Uinaaaa mantap laa.
Labels: Dance Dance :)
It's Chocolate babeh♥

Yeaaaa, thank you Father Rudolf for giving me this cadbury chocolate! I love you Father! ♥
Um, I haven't eaten this chocolate yet. HAHA kasi hias this. LOL well, maybe I'll eat later. Er, just maybe.
I just got nothing to say but yea, THANK YOU FATHER RUDOLF! I ♥ YOU!
Labels: My Life

I'll be in Paris, soon ♥
Labels: Dream Place♥
Uh huh. Updated my blog! *You're so hypnotizing* LOL :D
I love my current blog. *Gee* And also love the gif! Stole it from Tumblr website. TEHEE ♥
It's Saturday and I'm bored. My boyfriend turned out went to scout camp. *:/* And my friends wanna go and celebrate my birthday but got a bit of problems. Pfft :O
OH YEA! Last Thursday : 14th April, was my birthday! Yipee for meeee! HAHA. Hell yea, I had a great time with family and the Ex-R-Us members of course! They all like my siblings. *Uh huh* xD It's fun though. ;)
Meanwhile at school, they celebrated it in a different ways. OH MY GLEE O_O
At school: A lot of my friends wished me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" all that stuff. And the extreme part was when they splashed me in front of many people. *What the heck?!* BAHAHAHA. But yea it's fun! and........... I'm wet like fish. *euw* :P
Been there, done that. Happy 13th Birthday to ME!
Bye folks! ♥
Labels: My Life
07042011 ♥ Thursday~
Finally, there's someone that could take care of me, love and even when I'm sad. awe, I love him so much! His name is Adli ♥ I love him, oh I do so much. :)
It started when he asked my phone number, eet, I already know that liked me. HAHA, very funny dude. So, I gave him and this is what happened. Still, I LOVE HIM, I DO, I DO LOVE HIM SO MUCH! ♥ I would never ever leave him 'cause I love him so damned much.
My family were in shocked but, who cares? I will never ever changed my religion because of love with him. I will stick with Christian forever till I die. Yep, Jesus Christ knows that! :D Take that for a SHOT! I love Jesus! Yes, I do :)
So for my family, please don't worry. I know what I'm doing.
Bye, love my ohana and him too♥
Labels: My Life
Hey ya all! Have a blessed Sunday! :) And yea tomorrow gotta go back to school, AGAIN! -,-
All of a sudden I thought about Charice Pempengco a.k.a The Most Talented Girl in the World! Then I listened to her song called "Note to God". OMG I cried 'cause it's touching. Emo xD haha!
Anyway, it's freaking HOT at Keningau. Eh, I've been grilled by the Sun! Grr~ If only Keningau ada beach, I'll be going there for tanning! *Nigga will be represent soon* :D TEHEE.
By the way, I got tons of work that haven't been done yet especially Science and tomorrow have to pass up or else, DEMERIT! STFU, mesti ada demerit oh! bikin panas ja. ergh! I hate it when a school got MERIT and DEMERIT. Just die who made that thing. FTS.
Oh yea and this : For who ever I said them GTFO or STFU or FTS or whatever, seriously you guys sucks. *Not my Pals (girls) but the others (boys)* You guys deserve it. Heeya. Nigga own you guise so soon.
So, I'll be back later. Stay tuned :)
Labels: My Life

I love them all ♥
Labels: High School ♥
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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