I just love my friends(;
Hey ho peeps! (:
On 25th of July, my bestfriend a.k.a my cousin had a special day with us, her friends and cousins. It's her Birthday that day. We we we so excited. HAHA. Anyway, we had a blast! (;
We are who we are. We snappin' like we're dumb dumb du du du dumb, our fingers going numb numb nu nu nu numb, we'll be forever young young yo yo yo young, you know were superstar, We are who we are :D

Floriey and me(;

Birthday girl and me:)

floriey, naye, angel <3

Tumblr alike ;D

Me gusta. Viki our big bro <3

wanda, men-men, ristaa <3

naye2 with flo2 ;3

wandaa && sophia aubrey :3

fingahh lickin' good xD

Safiq (;

wanda, lala, joyy <3

Babess <3 :*

I just love her <3


Juon attack! ;)

wandaa, angel, nonk <3

besties yaw.

We're too swag!

eek! i love her <3

We're too awesome, sorry

Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
I know what God tell me to do.
Hey, I'm back and gone from suffer :)
12:00 am. It's Saturday morning and hell yeah, I haven't sleep. Rad cool. Still on with my bro, ding, and his girl, frecy. Both of them are doing somethin' while I'm just sittin' here in front of the laptop writin' somethin' on mah' blog, and it's right now.
Before I continue my funny parts, I got somethin' important to say. To all of us, and by that we must always remember it. We have to think freely, and maturely with this topic that I wanted to say. The topic is "Have you done what God tell you to do?" Some of it you guys haven't do yet. I know, me too. We all humans do. There's a lot of time to do and we better do it faster. God knows everything, none of human knows all about the future. Unless you're a side-kick-psychologist-thingy?
Okay, now for Funny parts! Today, I saw my friends posted somethin' on her wall. It's a video, an ass-bag funny video. LOL. It's called "Dick Figure". By hearing the title, you'll easily know that the video is funny. Freakin' ass-bag funny. Grawl xD
Go watch it and make your kidney explode like you're riding a roller coaster.
Free hugs for everyone. God bless.

Labels: My Life
most epic+weird=funny day ever?
So it was a very hot Saturday, I ended up took an afternoon sleep and got wet/sweaty after I woke up. Pfffft keningau is getting hot and my skin is almost burn. Stop torturing us, Mr. Sun. I know you're hot. Eh, hot yea. -,-"
Today, I was surprised with mom and dad's attitude. It's kinda, different, um maybe epic? weird? WOW. First, mom sang Colbie Caillat - Bubbly. Huh? Since when mom listen to her songs? I just don't mind with it. Then, dad again. He's really not into modern songs but IDK he suddenly listened to Demi Lovato - Skyscraper. I was like: "Advance parent, but weird." YES WEIRD and EPIC
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
My I art work I guess?
Good Afternoon and Hello!
Gonna show my latest photography. Eh really guise I do suck in photography but I'm just showing my talent to ya'll. If you don't like, please, GTFO. If yea, thank you ilysdfm! :D HAHA.
Nah, here it is.
I used my dad's Sony DSLR cam. What da ya think? Ugly? Uh, absolutely yea. Suckish man. LOL. Actually, I snapped this maybe last month? In the 2 weeks holiday. Yea somethin' like that. Got Sony DSLR, I want my dad to buy Polaroid, Nikon DSLR, Canon DSLR or Lomo. I hope he buy one of it. If so I kill myself in happy way. AHH! Heaven!
That'll be collections. "CAM'S COLLECTIONS" wow.
Kay bye. Gtg have to take shower. :)
Labels: Photography
Desperate too much.
This is just a quick update for my blog. Too long didn't update it. How am I? Oh I'm very fine, super really fine. I think I'm getting a bit lunatic, don't you think? No? Okay good. LOL.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Harry Potter's gonna end! No more fascinating movies. Ugh boooooo to other movies. Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows Part II: It's in cinemas this 15 July a.k.a Friday(Rebecca Black and Katy Perry's day rule). I watched the trailer and I was like: WOAHHHHH man this is rad cool nigga, an epic conclusion. I know, that movie are so epic and dopely awesome. I hope Lord Voldemort dies in that battle with Harry 'cause he's the one who killed Harry's parent. Poor Harry. Go Harry, Go Harry! Kill Lord Voldemort. Big fan of Daniel Radcliffe a.k.a Harry Potter.
Last Thursday was 0807, I'm all alone in study room watching Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows Part II Premiere Highlights in Youtube from London. *Full detail huh?* At first I was like: omg it's Molly Weasley! AHH! It's Ginny! Oh my gee it's the Weasley twins! Fred and George! Haaaa! It's Ron! Oohh there's Hermoine coming! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! It's Harry!
^ That's how I expressed during that 11 p.m on Thursday night.
Okay guise, gtg. Gotta have my dinner. Bye!
Labels: My Life
The most tired day everrrrr ;O
OMG. I'm so freakin' damn tired! Ugh!
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii *tired way*
Today is the "1 Murid, 1 Sukan, 1 Malaysia" event for elementary and high school students, University and college students, teachers, staffs in schools, lectures and principals. And at the same time, the whole Malaysians students, teachers, staffs, lectures and principles run together. It will record to Malaysian Book of Records. Oh yea, my name will be inside there! Hahaha.
It was fun and I really satisfied with it but really I'm so tired that I want to sleep like a boar. Uh, yeaaaaaaa. After finishing to write this blog, I'll sleep until tomorrow morning. No one, and by no one, NOBODY can interrupt me while I'm sleeping. I'm a big boar, that's why.
Tomorrow's gonna go to church. Hee :) yeah. And I have Charismatic class which is in start at 7:30 a.m. I have to wake early. Um. Okay whatever.
Oh I really miss him! Hopefully I can meet him tomorrow. Ngehehehe xD
Labels: High School ♥, My Life
Different Summers.
"Will we remember different summers? It's like tossin' your heart to see where we land." - Demi Lovato.
Hello :)
I don't know, the only main thing he know is keep on angry. Like, I'm not exist to him any more. That's really hurtful. I know aye girls? Who doesn't. Well, probably no feelings of love kind of girl. And this one thing, my true best friend back stabbed me. Oh My Christ. What's wrong with this world? I don't know when she started to back stabbed me but my other best friend was asking her like: "cantik oh kan c angel. aiyaa." And she was like: "yeii manada. suda la bruk, bjrwat lagi. ishh." And my other bff was like: "eeee bungul ba kw nhe." And she just laugh.
Let me give her a name, em, NINJA-STABBER-GIRL. And this another day that I don't even know when, the same person ask this ninja-stabber-girl. She told my other best friend like: "eeee buruk oh c angel. prasan btul cantik. suda la bjrwat, gumuk lagi. ishh, geli sa oh."
Ouch girl, sakit ba tu. No worries la. I'm fine with it. Sa mmg gumuk, bkn mcm kw, kurus trus cantik lagi. Sa gumuk, bjrwat, bruk lagi. Nah, kw mmg mnang la klw sma sa. Tda pa, Tuhan yg tw smua apa akn tjadi pada masa akn dtg.
Labels: My Life
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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