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Life goes on and on


She said:
Hello and welcome!
Sup mateys!
Welcome to my feminine kinda girlish blog, huh.
Join and read about my life.
I guarantee you'll gain nothing, dude, dudettes.
You got me? Good.
Hope you wont get bored. Adios!

The blog's owner

Again, no COPYING, SKANKS and SPAMS. Gracias!


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Pain takes over.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 | ? 0 Comments

Ouch! My tooth hurt. Darn you double tooth.

Oh yea hi. ouch, again. :/

Pain takes over. Ouch. Again! Sorry ya'll. I just can't face this pain. The same with heart broken pain. 
*sound of a mirror cracks*
Tonight schedule huh? Maybe I'm going to Mei Qi's party at Honeysweet. What should I wear for tonight? Uh, casual. That's it. I'm on!

I'm not a too feminine person. Am a bit of tomboy-ish. 
Yea seriously.
I don't like wearin' make-ups, I hate wearin' heels. I wear dress but only in some events and I don't like tight shirts. euw. Like prostitute.


I love flats, i love sneakers, bags, era cap, straw or cowboy hat, hustla tees, skinny jeans, leggings, 17mag, bracelets, necklace and all of it. And yea, I kinda in to boys thing such as skating, yea some like that. But the fact is I'm in to boys thing. That's it.

Okay. I'm off. Take bath first then head to her party.

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