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Insanity is officially ON!
Friday, October 21, 2011 | ? 0 Comments

Yoooooo peepos! Hahah. I'm super superbly hyperactive now! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Insanity is officially ON! Fuck yeah. xD

Mission Accomplished! And by that exam is over babey! Oh yeahh.

Tambunan tomorrow! Yipeeee but still jealous of sinta, nella and nadine. Uh, they all're going to Ranau without me. I'm terribly jealous. *sigh*
So yeah, today was ERT and Civic (as I told on yesterday's post) and it was easy tipsy. The one is like cooking and knitting and the other one is moral values and intolerance. Daily life, that's it.

Pack mah' things tomorrow. lol. I don't know why tomorrow. Maybe I'm just too lazy to pack early and enjoy this hyperactive moments in front of my lappy. Listenin' to song, yahoo-ing and I'm desperate to go to KK 'cause I want to watch Paranormal Activity 3. 
Omg. I watched the movie trailer and it was so Scary but awesome though. 
Seriously I wanted to go KK so bad. If I pass my driving test by mom, I'll be driving to KK with mah' friendzoes now. 

Oh yeah. I'm still in the mood of omegle tonight. So I found this guy from UK but he disconnected me. Ass you racist british boy, but still I love Britain♥
Then I met a guy name Joseph. He's from Florida. 
We're talking and talking. Later on, he asked me "do you have a boyfriend? Just asking:)"
So I replied "nope. this kind of girl are meant to be forever alone." 
HAHA! I am meant to be forever alone okay?
He wanted my picture then I gave him.
Then this: 

Haha. Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;3
I was sleepy ba tadi. ;p But now I ain't sleepy already. TEHEE.
It's 11.02 pm, I'm lookin' for somethin' dumb to do. Hey F.Y, I think I wanna punch your face! -.-
Jyeahhh, his shit attitude is back. No more text from him, not even a single call. Imma like: Dude? I got a heart too you know? FEELINGS! Not you're the only one have it. Fag.
*Sound of the sad song*

I rather be blind than looking at your face. It hurts me to see your face. Now, in this very time, my hyper, happy hyper mood had gone. It blew away 'cause all of a sudden I think about you. That is horrible. Terribly. 
Hmm kay night. Need some rest.

*Off to bed with stress all over my mind*

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