It's holiday!
And you know what's that suppose to be mean?
fuckerruuuuuuue -.-
So yeah, I've been left/abandon my blog for awhile. My real diary too.
As for that, I wanna make a loooooooooong update today cuhs I got a loooooooooooot of stories to tell you guys.
Yesterday was a shit day for me.
This form 1 prefect asked to tuck-in my shirt *'cause I'm wearing pj's shirt* but in a rude way. I mean,
watafak girl?
You could have asked me to tuck-in my shirt in a polite way. I'm your senior so please, respect me with all of your heart. You think you're a prefect and then you can rude all the way to the other students?
And yeah, you're still form 1 little girl. You're 13 and I'm 14. You could die as soon as possible if you want to.
Oh I'm such a rude senior! Muahahah!
so beat it, losers.
In fact, I just tucked-in my shirt.
Just to make sure that people know that Imma good student.
On the way to get those forks from the Chinese canteen, I shared my feelings to Jacinta. Right beside me when that tragedy happened. We talked while we're heading to the Chinese canteen. lol.
I was like, "Aih, pindik ja ba kau budak. Saya tinggi ba. Kalau saya tandang kau, silap2 kau tebuang oh. Babi." All Jacinta can do was laughing. Hahahaha. I know I'm a funny brat and all that shit but yea, this is me. I can't stand a little kid asks me. F man, all I can I say is:
F C U K you. Thanks biatch.
Okay enough yesterday's tragedy. Let's talk about today!
It's Friday!
Alright, it's Friday. Today at school was fun! I can't forget about this.
The first period was History. So our class divided and made lots of group. We haven't ready yet that time. My character? Long Jaafar ba. Isn't that weird? Other than Long Jaafar, I'm one of the Chinese people too.
We didn't have the opportunity to wear those mustache that had print by Joy. So, we just get on with it and start acting. Me, Mc Ohlsen, Kellyn, Joy and Nella: we're in a group of 5.
"Woooooooooooi! Masuuuuuuuuuk!"
-Hahaha my line. We made it spontaneously. No remembering lines, no script, no that. Just spontaneous.
"Berhenti berkawad. Kau, kau kasi bersih kasut saya! Oi kau perempuan! Kau petik tu bunga. Kau kira la berapa yang kau petik tu, nanti saya tanya kau tidak tau, awas ah!"
My spontaneous lines. I don't know what to say that time so, that's just it. After I said those lines, I looked at Nella and Joy and I laughed. I can't stand it. So after those lines, Joy read the story what's going to happen that I don't know. Then I went to the corner of the room and sat down. I just looked Mc and Kellyn's acting.
A lot of people laughed at our acting, this is a good news. Glad they liked it!
Only that part I like the most. Then, it's nothing. Ert and Science, home away.
Oh yeah!
It's almost Chinese New Year!
I can't wait to celebrate it.
I can't wait for open houses, I can't wait for fun with my family and friends, I can't wait for the 'red packet' so that I can earn some $$ money! F yeah buddy.
Too bad we can't go to Kota Marudu.
There I got a looooooooooot of Chinese family. Since my late grandma is Chinese, I got Chinese blood too.
Another announcement!
My brothers are going back to Keningau today! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
After weeks they're at KK, I missed them so much. They're my bodyguard actually. Whoever bully or tease me, they'll help me to beat up the person.
How great is your life to have a brother? Super duper great. No, superb awesome.
Okay, I have to go to my piano class. I have to paid my January fee and also I want to work hard and study hard for my theory exam on July or August. I hope I pass! Amen :)
Bye pepol!
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: High School ♥, My Life, ohana♥
It's holiday!
And you know what's that suppose to be mean?
fuckerruuuuuuue -.-
So yeah, I've been left/abandon my blog for awhile. My real diary too.
As for that, I wanna make a loooooooooong update today cuhs I got a loooooooooooot of stories to tell you guys.
Yesterday was a shit day for me.
This form 1 prefect asked to tuck-in my shirt *'cause I'm wearing pj's shirt* but in a rude way. I mean,
watafak girl?
You could have asked me to tuck-in my shirt in a polite way. I'm your senior so please, respect me with all of your heart. You think you're a prefect and then you can rude all the way to the other students?
And yeah, you're still form 1 little girl. You're 13 and I'm 14. You could die as soon as possible if you want to.
Oh I'm such a rude senior! Muahahah!
so beat it, losers.
In fact, I just tucked-in my shirt.
Just to make sure that people know that Imma good student.
On the way to get those forks from the Chinese canteen, I shared my feelings to Jacinta. Right beside me when that tragedy happened. We talked while we're heading to the Chinese canteen. lol.
I was like, "Aih, pindik ja ba kau budak. Saya tinggi ba. Kalau saya tandang kau, silap2 kau tebuang oh. Babi." All Jacinta can do was laughing. Hahahaha. I know I'm a funny brat and all that shit but yea, this is me. I can't stand a little kid asks me. F man, all I can I say is:
F C U K you. Thanks biatch.
Okay enough yesterday's tragedy. Let's talk about today!
It's Friday!
Alright, it's Friday. Today at school was fun! I can't forget about this.
The first period was History. So our class divided and made lots of group. We haven't ready yet that time. My character? Long Jaafar ba. Isn't that weird? Other than Long Jaafar, I'm one of the Chinese people too.
We didn't have the opportunity to wear those mustache that had print by Joy. So, we just get on with it and start acting. Me, Mc Ohlsen, Kellyn, Joy and Nella: we're in a group of 5.
"Woooooooooooi! Masuuuuuuuuuk!"
-Hahaha my line. We made it spontaneously. No remembering lines, no script, no that. Just spontaneous.
"Berhenti berkawad. Kau, kau kasi bersih kasut saya! Oi kau perempuan! Kau petik tu bunga. Kau kira la berapa yang kau petik tu, nanti saya tanya kau tidak tau, awas ah!"
My spontaneous lines. I don't know what to say that time so, that's just it. After I said those lines, I looked at Nella and Joy and I laughed. I can't stand it. So after those lines, Joy read the story what's going to happen that I don't know. Then I went to the corner of the room and sat down. I just looked Mc and Kellyn's acting.
A lot of people laughed at our acting, this is a good news. Glad they liked it!
Only that part I like the most. Then, it's nothing. Ert and Science, home away.
Oh yeah!
It's almost Chinese New Year!
I can't wait to celebrate it.
I can't wait for open houses, I can't wait for fun with my family and friends, I can't wait for the 'red packet' so that I can earn some $$ money! F yeah buddy.
Too bad we can't go to Kota Marudu.
There I got a looooooooooot of Chinese family. Since my late grandma is Chinese, I got Chinese blood too.
Another announcement!
My brothers are going back to Keningau today! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
After weeks they're at KK, I missed them so much. They're my bodyguard actually. Whoever bully or tease me, they'll help me to beat up the person.
How great is your life to have a brother? Super duper great. No, superb awesome.
Okay, I have to go to my piano class. I have to paid my January fee and also I want to work hard and study hard for my theory exam on July or August. I hope I pass! Amen :)
Bye pepol!
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: High School ♥, My Life, ohana♥
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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