Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri :) (Part Two and the Last)
Today is the official day of Hari Raya. (I suppose to be post this yesterday) Tired to wish again 'cause I already wished yesterday but it's okay, we're 1 Malaysia! *LOL -,-* So, again, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin to all the Muslims.
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)
I didn't went to any open houses today. So I'm at home bored as fucked. But luckily my cousins are here with me. ME GUSTA BABEH. Actually I wanted to go Adli's house today but I got no friends to accompany me to go to his house. JYEAH I just text him and apologize for not attending his rumah terbuka. Ngeeee :p Sorry Adli :)
Well yeah kbye :)
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri :) (Part One)
Hey guys! Tomorrow is Hari Raya! Be happy and enjoy those precious moments my dear Muslims friends. I'll be happy eating rendang, ketupat, nasi kuning, kuih-muih dan lain-lain. Hahaha!
My darling Lyssa and I are still talking about Raya tomorrow. There'll be traffic jam in town. Oh gosh~ ;O And and and open houses everywhere! Oh temptation, can we stop awhile? I want to eat a lot tomorrow! AHHHHHH! Can't wait man, but I'm getting fat. Gee.
I got no plans for tomorrow. Open houses, here I come! *running* Uh, I'll smack down Adli's house tomorrow. He invited me so, who doesn't want to go? I don't 'cause I want to eat meat! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! Okay enough and yeah forgot to tell that Adli and I were friends again. Is it wrong to friends with your ex back? No right? It's already passed so friends it is! :)
I'm bored as hell. What the hell I am going to do? Facebook, blogger, tumblr, twitter. Uhhhhhhh :/ Not enough. Got my cousins here. Tomorrow a lot more to come to my house. I'm so happy this 1 week holiday is great with them:) Sama-sama pgi Hari Raya.
Okay, I'm off now. I'm getting bored in front of the laptop all day. *sigh* K bye!
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥
3 days to go :)
3 days left till Hari Raya! Wishing to all my Muslim friends and family(dad's side) a wonderful Hari Raya Aidilfitri and yeah, Maaf Zahir dan Batin! :)
OH helloooooooooooo :D
So I'm hungry for pigs now. Oh tom tit -,-" tapun tapun. sudah tadi pagi makan. haha! Mom! Better quick cooking those food for dinner. I'm hungry like fug. Damn it. Sitting alone in my room, waiting for dinner are serve and I'm on blog and facebook. Uh, and hungry like fug.
That's all I can say. Bye. I'm hungry.
Labels: My Life
You can take everything I have.
The title above is the lyrics from Skyscraper by Demi Lovato, cush' I don't know what else to write. Duh.
So yeah hi everybody :)
It's Friday! TGIF! And it's Holiday! Wohoooooooo! Rad. But I'm bored. LOL now I'm updating my blog, tumblr, listening to Christina Grimmie's new song so called "Advice". Check it yo, she's truly awesome, and wonderful. Her voice is amazing man. Go check her out! NOW!
Um, seriously. What am I gonna do until 4 pm? Oh 4 pm I gotta go to complex. For what you ask? For practice, school sports is next month. Dammit. I joined the 200 m run. That's all I can, I'm fat, ya' think I can run more fast? Think twice. trolololololol xD
Ah, that's it then. Gotta go. See ya never bro! Naaaaah kidding.
Labels: My Life
Get ready to scream.
AHHHHHHH! Get ready to screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam out from your lungs! JYEAHH tomorrow is the last day of school! Ugh! Finally man, I've been waiting for this day to come, and now it's here! Oh yeah babeh! 1 week and a half here I come! \m/
Oh hey ho hi niggerzzz. Waddup fool? ;D
Getting excited for this holiday. Well, 1 week and a half will be fine. There's a lot of time to spend, but first! Homework first enjoy second! Ha! Imma too schema! Geez. -,-
For this coming pictures, it'll make your eyes burn. I'm warning ya, better wear your 3D glasses before seeing it. trololololol Kidding! Last Sunday, both of my cousin went to my house. We took a lot of picture, yeah we're camwhorin' haha!
Cousins forever baby :)
My angel's wing ring. Thanks to Naye♥
Lala owns the owl ring one. Also from Naye♥
Shitass-face :D
As you guys see, I look different and pale her. Oh, I'm dead, I guess it's the end. No wait, I'm still typing. LOL idk what I'm sayin' sorry ><"
p/s: I love Naye-naye (; ♥
Model? Ugh not me, only them. Haha.
From left: Rabbit, Whale and Monkey.
She's gorgeous all the time ;) ♥
LA baybehh ♥
She looks like her mom here. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL so true.
LA douchebag ;D
She's cute all the time ;) ♥
I love them, yes i do *wink2* ;D ♥ I can't leave them or hate them, they're the best I ever had. I love it when we're together all the time. Love these gorgeous.
Uh, me. Trippin' like ass. haha.
Huggies! Awe♥
Screw you, Nadine Drew-Ann Bainon! xD
I'll smash your head!
She got that really really white perfect skin. *Jealous* ;(
The Deadly Hallows. Ohh :D
There's more but I'm too lazy to upload it again. 19 pictures are enough to me, and naye with lala. Ehehe ;3
K night guise. :) xoxo
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
4 days of stress-thinking, 4 days left to enjoy.
Sup hommies?
Long time didn't update my blog 'cause I'm busy with schoolwork.
Oh yea, last week was Mid-Term Test 2. Before that day came I was off from laptop. *nah seriously I'm not* Well just for awhile then off to study, YES THIS IS REAL.
So, it's 4 days of stress-thinking means it's about the exam thingy. Oh, I already knew my Geography, English, History, Malay, Science and ERT marks. I'm a bit disappoint with my English marks. *sigh* It's only 78. I studied English subject to get A but it turned out to B. Lolness :L Pffft it's okay, I'll try harder in Semester 2, the last exam. Gee ;O I hope I get A.
Geo: 60% History: 60% Malay: 50% Science: 53% ERT: 43%
I don't even know what I'm doing that time. Haha! Left Chinese, Maths, Moral and PSV.
It's 4 days left to enjoy at school before Mid-Term Test 2 one week holiday! trolololol only one week -,-" I wished it was 2 weeks. Duh, never mind. So it's one week far away from scolding, learning and cranking xD Yepppp (:
Okay, I'm off. Bye :D
Labels: High School ♥, My Life
2 words: F*CK YOU.
I'll make you satisfy with mah' own word. Mah' SARCASM word. Oh yeaaaaaah.
Hey ho hi ha! :D
I'm not really satisfied with my life now. My ex and I were back in friends but he's overreacted. He keep telling back stories about our past relationship. Imma' like: gee man, wtf?! you're not satisfied with your precious life?! still? you got that beautiful girlfriend right there, every time at your side, fun life, lots of friends, make me hurt and jealous.
What the fuck do you want from me? Want my what? My life suffer more again? Ha! Already done! It's all because of a woman that jealous of my dad and mom. Then she made him sicked, he got high-blood pressure, coma for 2 days, can't walk, can't talk, he can't feel his right-side of his body. But luckily he's getting better. Later, my mom and her lil' sister that she love and really close with got in to fight because of business. They claim a lot man, a lot, and by a lot, it's RM8,000. Ya' think it's easy to find money like that?! The fuck? But they're kinda okay now.
Well now what again?! Destroy my life? My suffer internal no ever more life? Oh no no. I'll make yours later. I'll promise. I will do my work. Don't believe me? Okay, sure sure whatever fine! Just wait and see, Angel will make your mind flee.
Goodbye sucker.
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
4 months, 138 days, 3333 hours, 199975 minutes and 11998482 seconds left.
Hey! I'm back with hyperactive mood. Yea cool (:
Oh the title? Hm about that, I searched for 2011 Christmas countdown so there it was, 4 months, 138 days, 3333 hours, 199975 minutes and 11998482 seconds left. Wow still have to wait for a looooooooong time. *Sigh*
Er, I don't know what's wrong with me actually. Suddenly I got the Christmas spirit but it's still early, Hari Raya haven't celebrate yet Christmas Day. Haha, seriously am a weirdo. WE-IR-DO. So true. What kind of person in a spirit mood to wait until Christmas Day? I know! A weirdo, like meh'. HAH!
Haha! Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah! This picture above: FTW man, FTW. Actually, all I want for Christmas is you too, and a new Ipod, a ticket to WWHOP, Rupert Grint, The Tales of Beedle The Bard, Chocolate, The Phelps Twins, a camera, lots of Money $$, Beauty and The Beast on DVD, A Mansion with a swimming pool, fifteen puppies and a Rocket Ship! Win forever.
Kay, gotta iron mah' uniform. Tomorrow is Monday, again -,-" Ugh.
Labels: My Life
Childhood memories.
Good afternoon my fellow bloggerians, and Hello there! *British accent on*
Hot day aye? Hm, yep. Very. But, it's like Mr.Sun didn't appeared already. I wonder where he is. Taking a shower? Maybe. Haha. Nonsense talking. Yeah I met Joel at church just now, he said to me, "Hey fatty :D" I was like: Go die youu! Hahah.
Oh yeah, I missed my childhood memories! SERIOUSLY DUDE. I do missed those wonderful time of my life especially when it's Christmas time at kampung! xD Superbly Fun! Aw! I missed it so much-muchie! Hey Mr.Sun is back! *tuuuuuuuut* Out of topic! LOOOOOOL. Continue! Okay. Hm, I love it when my parents and us siblings still lived in Tambunan 9 years ago and after that we moved to Keningau. So sad. I remember when I joined my aunt to go to the paddy field (us Idang family's paddy field). I helped her to beat the paddy and dry the paddy in the sun. Aw good times.
Oh oh and and that time I remember aunt and I went to our relatives pond fish that is full of mud. HOLY COCONUT HEAD I felt icky a bit but seriously, it was fun actually. Gahaha! Oh yeah. So we're in the pond and I felt wow. Suddenly a fish suck my toe nail, I screamed like fvck. My relatives and aunt laughed at me. *I'm not shy at all 'cause I'm still a kid. Kid's just wanna have fun right?* Later on, another fish slapped my face with his vicious tail. I was shocked and I don't want to in inside the pond anymore.
*Sigh* See that picture of a man up there? That's what I want now. I miss those colourful days back then. I always with my cousins went to the river. We bathe, play, even picnic! Ah, those sweet times. But it's already past. Turns out to be just memories.
I missed my family. Just like I posted yesterday, I hope this December we'll back! Amen, Hallelujah! (:
Bye peeps!
Labels: My Life, ohana♥, xoxoforever♥
I miss my hometown ;(
It's been 1 year and 8 months, haven't back to kampung yet. Uh, miss Tambunan sooooooooooooooo much! Tanaki, Tambunan, wait for meeeeeeeeeeeee! I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu! :((
Huhh! Dad's getting well now but I don't know why he don't want to go back to Tambunan. Uh, but mom said this year we confirmed back to Tambunan! Wohoooooooooooooooo. LIKE A BOSS :D
Gonna packin' up mah' things and zoom-zoom to Tanaki, Tambunan! HAHA.
lagi pun lama lagi beii. bulan 12 juga plng kampung. ngehehe. tlmpau excited smpai mau pack awal2. mulau. mau limpas hari raya dulu baru Christmas mahh. haha. aww, sa rindu kampung!
So so miss miss kampung! I'm bored like hell in Keningau. No specialty. Boohoo. It's wickedy hot and lots of PTI. At Tambunan? Huh! kau cari la smpai lubang tandas, teda tu pilak di sana. ada orang hitam tapi tu orang dusun. kamaa kamu. hahaha, ada beberapa jaa tapi jarang kau nmpk. TAK PERCAYA? p la sndri d tambunan. xD
I miss those days when all of us cousins had a Balloon War! Haha. It was fun though. I hope my family are really going back to kampung. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ We barbecued chicken wings, pigs, even meerkat. We fired up firework, jump to a river, went to paddy fields to help our aunt Idah, walk on feet from Tanaki to Nambayan to buy junks *sanggup*.
Ahhh, what a life. I hope and I pray, this year we're gonna back to Tambunan and have a blast Christmas and New Year 2012! Amen! :D
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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