Movies before Christmas.
Hello and good afternoon mates.
It's 4:22pm and I'm watching "Will you Merry me?" on Diva. Sure, it lighten up my joyful and excited-ness for incoming Christmas. Oh gosh, please come early Christmas and please come late dear school! I want to enjoy my Christmas Day in a very special way with my family back in Tambunan.
Jesus, you're upcoming birthday is getting near. We will always love and pray for you :)
Nothing happen too much today. Still the same and yeah, it's raining again. Gloomy day for Keningau. Hmm. Oh yeah, Nella went to the Philippines today. Awe, gonna miss her so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch! She left at 1:40pm just now. Darn, gonna miss her very very and very much. Lala, don't forget our souvenir! *me, naye, flo² and sinta.* Hahaha. Jyeahh right, it's the Philippines! Siapalah tida mau souvenir? lol.
I'm hearing Glee's Christmas songs. I'm cherishing it by hearing those songs. We're gonna start decorating the Christmas tree tomorrow, 1st of December. Oh yeah. Camwhoring is a must! Capture that capture this, snap that snap this.
I just can't wait for it.
It stopped raining. Please God don't rain tomorrow and Friday. Pwitty pweaseeeeeeee?;3 I'll pray for it, amen!♥ Now I'm watching Korean drama entitled "Cinderella's Sister". And now I'm hungry. My tummy starts rumbling and screaming inside. lol shut up tummy, I'll feed you later.
Aights gtg. Lipat kain duluu! Hoho ;)
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥
Right at the face.
Sup peeps!
It's raining, and it stopped. weeeeeeew~
Christmas is getting near and my 2nd bro, ding's birthday is tomorrow! 30/11/11 Yeah, probably this will gonna be a blast off! But his birthday will be celebrating on Friday. Have to wait for my older brother boy back from KK. He got exam this Thursday and Friday.
It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday~
Rebecca Black rue Friday. lol.
Oh that tittle? Psst, like you don't know who. Him okay, FY. Missed call me 9 times and text me 1 time and I don't give a fuck. After that, I saw he posted something on his profile, maybe it's for me or someone else but still I don't give a fuck.
Dude, lemme tell you. It's okay to love someone but seriously, only one okay? Be friends? Okay but don't said the "I love you" to all the girls and make them fall in love with you. So by doing that will make you more famous on every girl in the planet? Oh gosh I don't think so.
Enough saying. I hate talked about him all and all and all and all over again. *Sigh. Hmm, so what's going up? Um, nothing. Just on my facebook, blogger, twitter, listenin' to Fa La La - Justin Bieber ft. Boys II Men & Santa Clause is Coming to Town - Justin Bieber.
Take note, that "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" is just a song, okay? Not that I will believe that he is really coming to town. Screw that mythical non-logical person.
I wanna move like jagger, I got the moves like jagger. I got the mooooooooooooooooves like jagger.
Sorry, I'm bored. Hahaha.
And right now? We're gonna play the CARDS! Okay not involving me, only them. I'm not very good at it. The game name is chutaiti. My mind will be blank if I play that game. It's been years I didn't play, then I forgot about it. I only remember 21, pancing ikan, 123 and curi ayam. Hahaha. Supa fany xD
I got nothin' to do so I'm watching Mr. Bean. Omg. Funny man, wicked ass. lmfao. And now I'm watching Man v.s Food. Adam is a chew-machine.
Real chew-machine.
Man, that big pancakes? 5 inches? I will not finish it 'cause I'm full. Well if I'm hungry it's another story, duh.
Aights! Off. I wanna enjoy watching this Man v.s Food. Woooooooooh~
Ninja out!
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
Afternoon people! Have a blessed Sunday and Shalom:)
Kinda bored this afternoon. Texting with Flory. It's sad that he didn't text me at all. Last night I texted him, only for 3 minutes I guess? Then off! He thanked me then, boom, tiada lagi. sampai sana saja. :(
I'm superrrr sad about it. He cared about me, later, he don't. He went to that girl name
I'm hurt, hurt enough :/
I'd wasted my time to wait for you for 1 year and a month. Still haven't enough for you to understand me? If so, I command you to get out from my life this instant. NOW AND FOREVER. I'll just find someone else and be forever alone, and it starting now. Wow.
Well, it's the first day of Advent. It had start just now, today. Yeah, waiting for comeback of Jesus and his birthday! Awe, love you Jesus! You're all my everything. You're my strength when I'm weak, you're the treasure that I seek, you're my brother, my besties, my Father, my God, my all in all. ♥ Ani ohev otach, Jesus.
Dear Christians all over the world, remember, it's not about Santa is coming to town and give us presents for Christmas. Like duh, he's a myth. But some says he exist but I don't believe them. He is totally a myth. I started believe in Santa Clause at 2 until I was 10, I stopped believing on him, 'cause he doesn't really exist!
Yo kids! Stop believe in Santa aye? He doesn't even exist at all! He wont come to your house and eat all of your cookies and drink the milk then put your present under the Christmas tree after that adios! What a faggot. Oh my. -.-
This Christmas Day is all about Jesus Christ, our Heaven Savior. So, pray for him 'cause his biggest day are coming. He would be more happy if you don't evolve his birthday with Santa ass Clause. Go die myth, jerk. Last year we bought a big cake for him and we prayed and we sang for him. And we represent my mom as Jesus, so we gave her and Jesus a bite of the cake.
I want to say that it is not MERRY Christmas, it is HAPPY Christmas. Stop being so merry and then you left Jesus alone. That is the stupid thing you have done to him and it will make him sad even more. So if you don't want Jesus to be sad, make a celebration for him, not only for us, but for him too. Or together? It will be much more better. He'll be more happy :)
Today event at church is, hmm, the Italian Father! Yeah! My big bro talked about him just now. He said when he confessed all of his sins, that Father smiled and said to him, "do you want to change?" Weeeeeeeeeeeeeew! You can feel a big great feeling if you are with that Italian Father. Omg. Wanna meet today at 4!
Aights, gonna take bath! Going to Sfx church! Zai jian :)
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥
Memories with you will live in our heart.
Shalom everyone :)
I went to late Gato's funeral today. The St. Francis Xavier Church were full of his family and his friends. See, people care about you so much. We even love you truly, Gato. Don't be sad okay? If you're sad, we'll be sad more. Have a great life up there.
Went to church at 9:00 am. Picked up Flory and Meiqi, then head to church. Many people were in white, but some how other people wear another colour. Well, it doesn't that really matter. At least they came and pray for him, gave his family a big support, that's what really matter.
And this part is like and touched the most..
Father Francis said to us at the ceremony just now:
We would like to say, condolence to Dreitzmer Soberano's family and we came here today, this morning, to give you all support. Don't be gloom. Yes, now, he's already went, but, he does not leave us all. He is just moving to another house with God, up there. Pray for him, always.
After that, we went to the main front of the church to see him for the last time. Once again. Mom surprised me from nowhere. So, I let her to be in my front. As I queued up to meet him for the last time, I saw a basketball inside. In that very moment, I burst out my tears. Until I near his coffin, I saw my mom crossed his forehead and said, "hope you're happy up there." I cried even more.
Dreitzmer, or should I call you Gato, we love you so much. We don't want you to go that early but, God knows everything. He already planned this for you. Like people said, "apakan daya." Don't worry, we'll be happy in anytime.
Stay happy okay? :')
Okay, I don't want to be sad anymore. Enough that. Will always love and pray him. Amen.
So there's this boy, he's fucked up I guess. I guess you all know who it is. Siapa lagi kalau bukan c FY. Issssshhhhh. Screw you man. You makin' me mad all the time. Stop talking with her, could you? I have feelings too you know? Psst, you stop texting me 'cause I don't reply your message? Man, I'm sorry kay? You know too if I didn't reply, I don't have any credit. If I do have, I'll text you a.s.a.p. Please don't acting like a child kay? It hurts me a lot when acted like that.
I don't want to mention that girl name here. Nanti kau nangis, susah lagi mau pujuk kau. Mentang² kau besties kakak ipar saya. Setan. Yeah, stop acting like you're Edward and Bella. Pfffffffftt, okay I'm jealous. So what? You don't even care. Just, just go away from my life kay? I'm bored to see you two faces again.
Get out and stay away.
If you guys know who the heck is this two, wow, tell them that I will always pray for them.
Insaf angel insaf. lol.
Okay enough. 28 days left until Christmas! Can't wait. Tanaki, Tambunan are calling us Idang family already. Omg. Tanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaki! Wait for us! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Uh, relax angel, be patient aye? Haha. After ding's birthday next week Wednesday, maybe we will decorate the christmas tree! Yeah.
And one, Christmas carols. Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ;D
Aights gtg. Going to do something. Night night:)
Labels: High School ♥, kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥
Things happened and past very quickly.
Hi :)
I was in KK last Friday until yesterday. I just got back yesterday. Express bus, well, saving money.
November 18, 2011/ Friday 02:12pm
We arrived at KK with Rudy and Ulat. Country Height, here I comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Weeeeee~ Haha. First I got bored at C.H, later on it disappeared. Thanks to them 'cause they made me laughed for the entire night. trololololol. Tomorrow is the 2nd Korean Pop Dance Competition. Well, the Exrus crew always join any dance competition especially Korean. They practice hard tonight. Good luck for them!:)
November 19, 2011/ Saturday 05:00pm
The competition is tonight! I'm going there with Beyb and Adza but before that, we're going to stop by at Adza's house at Putatan.
punyalah jauh.
-So we arrived at Starcity safely. Richard dropped off us here and he went to somewhere else that I don't even know where it is. lol. Yeah, I met Adza! Wehooooooooooooo! She's cute and smallish but still awesome. She's pretty shy. *But not for long okay? Haha.* Saw the boys, we gave them words to add up their spirit. After that, we went to the first floor for a better view. :)
It's 11:13pm, they got in 3rd place and I'm so proud.
November 21, 2011/ Monday 04:38pm
On Monday, I was getting ready for the Asian Tourism International College Dinner & Dance. Their theme was "70's". So, Jen and me dressed up in 70's clothes. Beyb and Adza helped me put on makeup. Haha. I know, funny aye? Like, I never wear makeup but I did. 5 minutes later I checked my phone,
and I received unacceptable news from nicole.
Gato(Dreitzmer Soberano) passed away because of car accident at 12:38pm. I thought she was lying so I called her up, and I was like oh okay.
Still didn't believe it.
Called up my big bro, boy, he said it was true. He got accident with another 3 person. Boy went to their house and met with his family.
As for me, I yelled like a douche and almost cried but I kept a stone heart inside. I kept on sighing and sighing 'cause Gato's family and our family are really close. I just can't believe this is happening. I love Gato and he's been like a brother for me even though we're not that close. He's nice and a happy-go-lucky person. We're still schoolmates, even you're already left.
Oh Gato, why you left us so fast?:(
I know, God loves you more. I understand. God bless you aights? We all here will always remember, pray and love you ♥
November 24, 2011/ Thursday 2:30pm
Right now, right here. Tomorrow's funeral is on 08:00 am. Come early and please wear white clothes. No blacks, reds, yellows, greens or any colour, only white. Please take note.
-this information was informed by the late Gato's brother, Ahboy. He called my bro just now.-
Will forever miss you:(
Labels: High School ♥, kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥
Night falls.
Hello and good night fellas :)
Nothing much. FY and nella text me.
I missed my gathering with old friends. Damn. I'm sad, truly 'cause I miss them so much. Long time didn't see each other. Then I called nella, I talked to Elisha, Amos, Rachel and Sean. Awe, Elisha, Amos and Sean's voice changed. Haha. Wow, their voice are so weird right now. Rachel you guess? She's fine, always with her cute childish voice. Still the same. Same old Rachel.
Now what? I'm downloading games for incoming Christmas at kampung! It's for curing boredom when I got nothing to do 'cause there's no wireless there. So it's hard. Exchange laptop with cousins to play other games on their laptop to cure more boredom! Yesssssssssssssssssssssss! That's a big YES!
Downloaded 9 games in a row. Gonna download more later or sooner. While that, I'm listening to Bad Meets Devil - Lighters ft. Bruno Mars and One Direction - Gotta Be You.
Now the latest news. Greyson Chance had arrived at 10.45 pm at KKIA just now. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Gosh. So sad. It's okay. If 1D will go to KK, I'll cry in front of mommy and coax her to buy me 1D's concert ticket! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee;D I'll get a chance to camwhore with them and have their sign, especially my crush LOUIS!
Pfffffftt. Quit dreaming angel. If they go to KK, maybe you'll just sit around on couch at home while everyone's screaming for 1D. Sucks to be you.
Stfu you brainy. Aights! That's enough downloading 10 games tonight. I'm sleepy. #Off!
Labels: biggestFAN♥, My Life, ohana♥
Good morning folks! I woke up early this morning at 7.
As I promise to ya'll last night, I'll upload our day outs pictures. So here it is....
I'm so cool \m/
Me and her♥
Aren't we're so cool?
I love her♥
Nadine with her new nail colour:)
We're so cool liddat;D
I love her also♥
Hipsters! woots ;3
The Outsiders♥
I heart this two♥
Bestfriends fureverr;)
Promoting nail colors and styles.
She rocks.
She's cool.
She's amazing.
They're awesome.
That's it! More pictures? Go to Flory's profile and see our insanity day outs pictures. It's like 90 and above something but the other she didn't upload it. Curse you Florytuuuuuuuuuuuuut! ;) haha.
We'll continue at night. Bye:)
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
It's like 300 years I didn't update.
But it's only 2 weeks.
Hi peeps! What's chillin' nigga?
Yeah, it's been 2 weeks I didn't update my blog, didn't checked up my facebook and tumblr. Might be call like a,
wasted properties of mine.
Holiday is here. Nothing to do. Just sitting at the couch, in front of my lappy, listening to Katy's song : The One That Got Away. Awe, it's really sad and more sad while watching the MV. It's just sweet, sad, cute, but mostly sad! Hmm, reminds me of someone. May you rest in peace :)
Oh yeah, yesterday! Me, nella, nadine and flory went to the mall for day outs. We went to Little Nail for medicure and paticure! Lighten up our dirty and ugly nails. Yeah. Yesterday was fun. We camwhoring, nail polishing, texting with our crush. Hahah. Okay, that's funny but seriously yesterday was really fun. Can't forget bout it. Truly.
It's 10:10 pm and I'm sleepy already? For God sake, why angel? What's wrong with you? Gee. It's holiday and you should stay up late. lol. Treating self to bad. Good for me. Se-tiu-pid qu-rl.
Kbye. Off. I'm truly sleepy.
I'll upload the pictures of our day outs later. Night!
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
Just got back from Nella's grandparents house. I'm tired and I need to drink a lot of water and honey to make my voice back to OKAY.
Sure, we'll do the best on Saturday and Sunday.
What I didn't satisfy is, this, this blithering ass boy name ****, (couldn't say his name) had lied on me. Wow man. You're the great pretender ever! Salute man. Oh yeah. You lied on me, you talking ass on me, you made me cry, you made me this, you made me that. What else man? Can't you understand a girl's feeling? You ain't aye?
Yes you ain't fug.
You know how much pain it is for me that you had lied?
I don't even know what to say again. I'm out of words.
Oh yeah.
Lastly, thank you so much for hurting me. I appreciate that. That's the greatest feeling ever! Thanks for giving it to me. God bless you and her. Have a great relationship together.
Labels: My Life
Hey! I didn't went to school today. As my other friends are also doing the same thing! Haha. Rad cool.
Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and Tumblr.
At the same time!
So what's up? Jyeah everything's fine though. Can't for this Sunday a.k.a the BIG day! Woooooooo~ Nervous yet excited for that. It's Nella's uncle Wedding Day. Me and Nella are going to sing Price Tag and Marry You. Price Tag we sing with the band and Marry You we play it in acoustic version. Gonna make this special day very special for Nella's uncle and his incoming wife :)
God bless you two ♥
Now, I'm listening to Price Tag cover by Maria Aragon, Janice and Sonia, AfterschoolspecialSD and Christina Grimme. Look how much covers of people I listened. Too much! Wow. Also I listened to Marry You cover by Alyssa and Glee. We're gonna sing two songs and it's really complicated now. Gonna find some covers and styles for the intro and chorus, the strums and the pluck.
My throat hurts 'cause I shouted last night while singing Price Tag with the band. Ouch. But it's kinda okay now 'cause I drink water every time when I go to the kitchen. lol yea right ;D
Now I'm still searching for the right cover and styles. It took so long to find the right ones. While this afternoon weather heatin' me up,
wow my head nearly explode.
You're too hot Mr. Sun. Just stop it.
With this guitar by my side, practicing Price Tag and Marry You, eating strawberry yogurt for loosing my weight, Facebook and Blogger. This have made my day. Best day ever. huh?
Watch this and this and this too.
Janice and Sonia made my day even better.
You're not like the other singers that doesn't appreciate what God gives them talent like that. You're not afraid to tell that people that you are a Christian and you love Jesus Christ so much. You thanked God for giving both of you the most wonderful gift in your life and by that, you guys are fully blessed. Thanks to God.
God bless you, Janice and Sonia. I love you guys ♥
"Lord, here I am. My heart, my body, I give it to you. Use it for who i am. Hallelujah" - Janice and Sonia
Bye:) Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥, singing♥
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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Thankyou for visiting my blog! I love you guys♥ -hartzlinvee(;