It's a Beautiful Night.
I'd promise at 10 pm, turns out to be 11:22 pm. LOL sorry guys. Hee.
Great night aye everbody? 'Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for somethin' dumb to do. Who cares babeh, I think I wanna marry you :) - Bruno Mars <3
Yea we did text together but only like, several minutes and the last thing he said to me was: "Sorry my phone is low batt now and I don't know where the heck is the charger is. K, we'll text tomorrow k? Night ***. I **** *** and **** ***." LUL xD Hahaha. NO NO NO. Joking, you guys know what that suppose to be mean. Aiyaa. Ngehehe ;3
Kay, I have to finish my Geography notes first then I sleep. Yehee~
Labels: xoxoforever♥
Waited him like 20000000000000000 years still no text me. Uh, I hate if I start the conversation first, I like boys who starts first.
Hello :)
Waited for him, incoming Seventeen Magazine July edition and incoming Cleo Magazine July edition. AHHHHHH! Totally in love with these three. But this 'HIM' tidak pandai text saya. tunggu dari jam 5 stengah sampai skng. adeh. mana ba kau? eeeeeeeeeeeeee :/ Seventeen and Cleo saja pandai dtang. mulaw~
Uh forget that and f.y.i I haven't taken my lunch, dinner and supper. My stomach screaming like a person suicide by itself. *Not worst than last night* Last night was pretty scary and real worst. Yea, really really. It's 8:51 pm, I'll wait until 11. If no respond I'll sleep like mental disorder patient 'cause without me texting him I'll be like that, that MENTAL DISORDER PATIENT.
Okay I gotta go, I have to study Maths, Science and Chinese. Uh bye, I'll be back at 10. Promise!
Labels: My Life
Ngehehe ;3
I don't why and how, my love with you become bigger and stronger. And I just know, that you'll be mine forever, and ever and ever. Lasting forever. Amen.
Ugh, I didn't eat anything in one day. My stomach is screaming like hell but I only drink water and milk. That's all. I'm not saying that I'm diet or somethin' else, I just, don't have any mood. I wanna eat so badly but I just can't. And I don't know what's the prob is. *Sigh* :O
What's wrong with me? Oh yea. About just now, we're texting actually until now. He was like: "heyyyy? line kili.." and I was like: "aaaa? npa?" and then he was like: "sot tu line, bakar tu pncwng celcom bsuk." Ohh, sandi oh him xD
Tringggggg~!! *Sound of the bell ringing* *Enters the exam room and knocked the door* "Good afternoon, Sir :)" "Good afternoon. Please sit :D" My conversation with the examiner that afternoon when my turn to be examine. Haha, please enjoy this next conversation.
Sir: "Would you like to start on your pieces first or the scales?" Me: "I would like to start the scales first please, Sir." Sir: "All right then. Before that, you can speak British aye?" Me: "Yes, Sir. I do and I speak in British, really." Sir: "That's nice. You watch Narnia?" Me: "Oh, I do watch that Sir. I like the Movie." Sir: "Great, how about Harry Potter?" Me: "Oh, Sir, I really love that Movie. And I did watch the Deathly Hallows part 1. Hee :)" Sir: "Oh really? Me too! That Movie is really fascinating!" Me: "I know right, Sir." Sir: "*Giggles* :D Okay let us start, shall we?" Me: "Yes, Sir."
LOL all of a sudden the examiner asked me like that. Haha. xD Aren't you shock if a Britain person ask you like that in a surprise way? I know I do 'cause I've been like that today. Lmfao Everyday I'm Shufflin'. Gahaha.
kays,nightpottersmarslovejesusfamilyhimfriendandall <3
Labels: My Life, xoxoforever♥
Exam time!
Freakin' nervous man! Oh gosh.
Hi me Potters and Mars!
Didn't went to school today 'cause I'm going to Tenom for Piano exam. *Shakin' like hell* God, help me calm during the exam. Hope I don't slip off. LOL
Texting with him. He's going to school and I'm going to Tenom. Ugh. But luckily he "sempat" support me. Haha. iheartyoumedear <3
Well, gtg. I have to get ready. God bless me, I hope I pass with distinction! Amen!
Labels: My Life
I'm fvcked up.
Ergh, I'm so frustrated right now. All because of this annoying Celcom connection line. Pfffft -,- Seriously man, I even can't text with him start from the afternoon. I'm so hella' bored without texting with him. Uhh ;O
Oh yea, just got back from Tenom. I'm so tired and HUNGRYYYYYYYYYYY. I need food and rest. The reason why I went to Tenom is for piano exam rehearsal. Yea, this Monday is the exam. Getting near, 2 days more. OMG. My feelings: Terrified, Nervous, Chewing off the nibbles, Stomach ache.
Wait, I almost forgot. I'm gonna meet him tomorrow. YEAY! hee. Um, I'm a bit nervous? 'Cause it's the first time. Uh huh, double the Nervous and Stomach ache thingy. :p
Tataa~ showereatfoodiwillberightback :)
Labels: My Life
Teacher's Day 2011 :) The best!

Cousin forever. Yea yeaaaaaaaaa :D

Big guy vs. Small guy

I love them <3

Cutie :)

I love her.

Oh yeaaaaaaaaa xD

Berfeeling oh this guy : Viki :D

The gays LOL. Robbie, Ohlsen, Pan and Kenny.

My ladies <3

Chel, Ming and Shawnee <3

galfwen-furever ;3

Kevin and Lim :)

Bren, Mell, Yee and Beena :)

Drew and Sinta :)

Sharon Chong :)

Men2 and Vet :)
Best day ever 24062011 <3
Labels: High School ♥, kaibiganforeverr♥
Yes that is me, Hartzlin.
If you wanna know, hear it goes: Gonna tell you there's a part of me to show. If you close I'm gonna let you see, everything. But remember that you ask for it.
I don't know how you can really fell in love with an idiot like me. But seriously, it's cute and yea, I love you ma' dude.
Hey I'm back! Okay, I'm fresh and smell good like daisy. HAHAHA.
There's a lot of things you guys didn't know about me aye? Yea, I suppose I've to tell you guys about random things about me.
I'm weird. I got swag like nigga's. Everyday I'm tumblring. I love JB and CS so much. I love Him. I just want to leave the house right now. My life are kinda really sad right now. Kingsley is my gay-bestfriend. Everyday I'm on DSLR. I'm about to pee now but I don't want to leave this lappy alone. I see sparks when I close my eyes. I eat unicorns and rainbow flakes. My future-in-dream husband is Harry.
I'm weird aren't I? :)
Bye, night.
Labels: My Life, xoxoforever♥
I guessed that's a big WOW ;)
LOL. Hey me Potters and Mars! :)
Just woke up from evening sleep, yea, wicked swag aye? Haha, I know and it's already 7:18 pm. I didn't combed my hair, my hair looks like a hobbo, I'm about to pee, but still in front of lappy. I'm so extraordinary. Yea nigga, I got swag bruh.
WOW? What are we talking here? Uh huh, this is: Keningau maju suda oh! BAHAHAH! That's a big wow kay? K. tehee.
There's a lot of Keningau part. One of my fav is Bundle. OMGLOLTFTYF xD That's heaven man. It's like tumblr, full of wonderfulsuperbeautifulcutechixywowing clothes, bags, shoes and lots! Don't believe me? Go and see it for yourself. You'll explode. I promise. Into pieces.
C-A-N-D-Y : I want candy! CS/Cody Simpson's song. Really cute. Oh my gee. :D
okaybyeiwantogotozetoiletforshowerr :)
Labels: My Life
Jealous much? Yea :(
I'm so jealous with him. Like, his ex is more important than me. Uhh, I'm so emo. Why? Aish, annoying much. But really, I'm totally jealous of it. They're so, like, so so HAPPY!
Actually today we're gonna meet but, IDK. I text him 2 times and called him 1 time but, he didn't replied and answered at all.
Eh, I'll continue later. Chao señora, señor.
Labels: xoxoforever♥
Today is Father's Day. Currently listening to Bruno Mars song: Never say you can't. Yea, I'm daddy's girl f.y.i. Hmm, I love my dad. I hope he'll be better soon.
"I wouldn't be where I am, if my father didn't tell me to never say I can't. He'd carry me, and never let me fall, and the only thing he asked right before he passed was to NEVER SAY YOU CAN'T." My fav part of the song. Listening to that song, reminds me of you, dad. Get well soon. Remember that I always love you.
Emotional time. hehe. Sorry guys, I'm an emotional person. :') Yea still, I'll pray forever till my dad's fully recovered.
If one day he left, I will always remember his words to me such like this words:
Don't worry dad, I'll never forget your words. Love you <3
Labels: My Life
It's Friday, Friday -,-
Rebecca Black rue today, rue Friday! LOL omg. She is, every time, every Friday. Erg, makes me sick.
Oh yea Hello me Potters and Mars! :) How are you? *British accent on!* Besides talking with this trashy kind of Rebecca Black rue every Friday, there's another. I miss the oldies. Yea, I do. tehee.
I love oldies songs since I was a little girl like, 5 years old. Yup! All because of my parents and Idang Family (from my mum side family). Like, none of Idang Family don't love oldies songs. All, I mean, ALL of us love oldies songs, very, very much. Truly much. Bahaha.
Sh-Boom, Teenager in Love, Lollipop, Earth Angel, Donna, Carol, omg, a lot!
Okay I should stop here 'cause I don't have any idea left so KBYE :)

Labels: My Life
Awkwardly Happy (:
I'm so, so, so HAPPY! Expertly happy I guess? yea. tehee.
Okay, really, being with him is really great. He'll be mine forever and ever. Amen. Oh God, hear my prayers. Let him be mine. He's just too sweet for me.
So anyway, tomorrow is Friday. Prepare people 'cause Rebecca Black are gonna rue tomorrow. Bring your umbrella along. Maybe it'll rain. LOL. :D
"Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal."
I say, what kind of lyric is that? Rhymes? Not really. Oh my, I laughed dude, real hard. My kidney's hurt. Ouch, lmfao. This is funny. Yea, from the past days, I heard Rebecca Black hoped that she'll win the Music Awards 2011. I'm like, whuuuut? O_o
Is it possible? You guys, think about it. I'll be laughing like a deadly hallow if she win. Another LMFAO for her. Hilarious.
Labels: My Life
Broken? It's okay.
Um, Hi.
Ah, really got no mood today. Like he didn't even know that I exist. Why? What's wrong now?
Sitting here, alone, hearing sad songs, while everybody's are happy watching AF Final. Hm, I do got no mood. Bad, bad and sad, sad mood. *sigh*
And one thing, school's back. Great. Yeay. Hmm :|
I don't know what to say again. No idea, no fresh idea. If I'm in a terrible mood, I'll be crying right now, but I just hide it 'cause I don't want my family worry about me. It'll be more complicated if they know that I'm in a terrible mood.
Wow, who will win AF? Lena or Hazama? Uh, I don't know kay? Don't ask again kid. If you ask more, my target is your mouth.
Em, K.
Labels: My Life
I bet my parents will be so Proud of me:)
Hi Potters and Mars. :)
Talking about scholarship, my parents told me to go to London for further musical education. Wow, Mum, Dad, I think I can. After finishing my SPM, results out, they'll send me to UK. WOW dude. That's rad cool man.
Thinking bout that, later then I forgot to take a bath. *bungul* Haha. Awkward. I'm super stinky last night. Man, I'm like, dead-rotten-intestine-fish. But not today, I smell like flower today. Okay? LMFAO.
Well, we just see what's goin' in the future later. Maybe UK or maybe not. My futures are in God's hand, not me.
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
I snap you. JD ;)

Labels: xoxoforever♥
Don't underestimate the things I will do
"The scars of your love remind me of us, they keep me thinking that we almost had it all. The scars of your love, they leave me breathless, I can't help feeling."
Above there, is my favourite slogan in Adele song called "Rolling in the Deep".
Wow I love her voice. But I love more if Maddi sang it. Love the way she sang that song :) And yea, her voice are epic! Truly awesome! OMG ;O
Oh yea, school's back in 7 more days. *whut thu heck* Nooooooooooooooo this is bad. Darn it, another day to wake in 5 am. Gee, I wish I was homeschool.
I think I'm gonna scold by many teachers especially English teacher if back to school already. Maybe I failed? Maybe I passed? Or maybe both? Huh, I hope I passed. Amen.
Yea, this holidays are boring yet fun? I guess. Haha. And super great! No more "Oh please upload a new picture I miss you" and and "Can I call you I miss you like hell oh lovely" LOL fvck man. He die hard I think. I'm tired of your pleased, you controlled me like using a remote controller. Dude, give me back my precious life, Idiot.
Well it's totally over. I wanna enjoy my awesome life. No more controlling.
Labels: My Life
I swear I'm not doing ANYTHING
Talking about this title, oh I love Bruno Mars! Yeah, I do love him. And his recent song made me go weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! The Lazy Song. I go Lunatic! lmfao. Everyday I'm shufflin'. Haha.
What I love about Bruno?
1.He's really cute.
2.He's super cool!
3.His voice are awesome like HEAVEN man!
4.I love his big-wig-but-real-hair.
5.Did I mention handsome? I guess not. :)
6.My forever Idol.
7.He thought me to sing higher note. Uh yea.
8.I love his big-wonderful-wowing eyes.
9.I love his smile. I fell in love with his SMILE :D
10.Lastly, I love him.
Yea, he's my boyfriend and I'm gonna marry him. In your dreams Angel! BooHoo! Kick-ass LOL. Okay, Be back. Tomorrow never dies. I'm gonna be busy.
Bye Mars! Bye Potter!
Labels: My Life
One word, "Ew"
Okay, ew. I hate you. get out from my life, you suckish dude. I don't need you any more.
I never thought that you do like that. Uh, you suck man. Real suck. Really disappointed with your attitude and carrier of lacking.
Don't you have a heart? No, I guess you don't.
I suppose I should marry an ugly alien rather than you. No good human. Oh wait, or maybe I should marry a dude that has a good attitude than you.
Here goes my language. LOL.
Ieh! Uak adait kato hak? Uam kop suomaf ajas hak? Sugab igal is neila adapirad uak, kalip! Sigub kadit anug! Igrep itam aal! Udub! nawak masa kalip. adait kato luteb! Retaks adait anug! Aalb aal! Hadus aal matih, kidnip igal! BOOOOO!
I know you can't read my awesome language. Yeah, I'm Awesome.
Labels: My Life
That lunatic Moments :)

Love them.




Girlfriends forevaa :D

Labels: Funny Things :D
Secret Chamber.
Hello Potters!
Yet another hot and sunny day. Gives me headache. Uh, Mr. Sun, could you turn your temperature in low so I can chill? Eh. -,-
Oh yea, Secret Chamber. Tehee, love that. :)
Enjoy this incoming pictures that I'm gonna upload. Might be strong. So if you're under 12, make sure you have a permission before seeing the pictures. HAHAHA nah just kiddin'.
Labels: My Life
It's June ♥
Well, Hi! Freaking damn long didn't update my bloggie. Pffft ;O
Oh yea, and it's already June. I'm like: WHUT? O.O Too fast bruh. Can't hold it. All this entire 5 months and 2 days I wasted my life and time for an unimportant things to do. Duh, my education may sucks I think. Uh, never mind.
I still have my feet, and still can run. Run away and faster to catch my beautiful dreams in coming Future. Talking about future, I'm old like hell.
Eh, my British accent came out. I'd just watched Harry Potter and the Death Hallows (Part1).
OMG that was wonderful! I love it! It entertained me so much! Poor Dobby he died. Uh huh, I cried. Pity him. ;(
After watching that, off to room and on my little bloggie. Yipee. So yea, I can't stop my British accent till now. Whenever I'm writing, I read, and I read in British. I don't know why but, I'm so weird. Gosh.
p/s: To Ornella and Nadine, wait and see. I'll upload it in the morning. They all run out late. So I have to wait. And tomorrow you'll mislaid. Rhymes? NO. Kidding man.
Night Potters :)
Labels: My Life
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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