The choices are 'BLOCKING' me.
Good day.
I went to school this morning. I guess everything's normal. Hmm.
I found out who really my best friends are. A lesson for me:
but still i love you guys. never ever will forget ya'll, even though you guys really hate me.
Well, this world got a lot of people, right? So, it doesn't mean that you'll be forever alone.
You can make a new friend, duh.
And you guys should know that God is your forever best friend. He will never leave you alone, never hate you, never lie to you, never stabbed your back, never this and that. He's loyal to you, forever will be. Don't think that you've lost your best friend, and no one wants to be your friend.
You still have a lot of other friends, family and most important, GOD.
So don't feel sad and broken heart. Be yourself, do your own 'swagger' style.
I wanna tell you guys, I almost move to SM Keningau II 'cause I can't stand that my x-best friend hate me so much. But mom said to me, "Angel, kau p saja d school. Kau minta protection dari Tuhan, dia akan tolong kau tu. He will always hear your prayer, and everyone too. P saja ah, ingat tu doa yang mamy suruh kau baca selalu 'Yesus dalam aku dan aku dalam dia, maka aku akan selamat. Amen.' Okay?"
I cried, but I hide my tears. ^ Conversation early 5:50 in the morning. After that I go to toilet and do what usually I do.
And yes, God heard my prayer.
Only 12 words and it's already 2 times powerful than your normal prayer. Not saying that your normal prayer doesn't powerful, it is and this is 2 times more powerful. 12 words, that is STRONG.
Okay, enough talking about this. I feel annoyed.
Oh yeah, about that title. My seniors Sayrah and Clara asked me to join the English Debate with them and I haven't give them my answer yet.
I don't know how to debate. Ugh.
The other one is, my friend Sycelle, Sayrah's lil sis, asked me to join Choral Speaking and I've already wrote my name.
I love Choral Speaking like, wsdfghuiokjnbcdasdfghjkl! :D
But I should try something new, something extraordinary, something I haven't tried before like 'Debate'.
Mom encourage me to join Debate than Choral Speaking 'cause I've joined it since year 4 and I already had an experience.
"How bout Debate? Debate is a bit challenging. But it's fun though."
Mom said like that to me.
And dad too.
[I'm in second row, the one who's looking at the left side from your front.]
Found this in Google. This time I'm a year four girl.
Still round and chubby little fat girl.
This time we're not competing with other school. We've been invited by the District Library to make a presentation. It was a moment of a life time.
Next year a.k.a 2009, I joined the Spelling Bee competition.
HAHAHAHAHA funny moments.
I still remember I got 3rd place that time. I got fun moments with Ornella, Darren and Matthew.
and it will never happen again.
1st place was Julian from St. Francis Xavier, 2nd was Ornella and 3rd was me. Oh yeah. Imma good speller. Lol. Not so good, okay?
Choral Speaking and Spelling Bee checked. Debate? Nope. Other than that, Public Speaking, Drama and lots. I got no idea what am I thinking now. Gosh, maybe I'm going to pick Debate. I wanna try it. Yeah, I do man.
It's too bad if you wont try something new, something really challenging.
*Minutes after, thinking for an answer.*
My answer is DEBATE!
To who is joining debate, we'll meet! trololololol.
Okay, I'm going to do homework. Have to finish my maths exercise, complete my science note and I have to memorize words 'cause it's spelling time!
And we have to make a presentation in front of the class. The title is "My ambition."
I have a lots of ambition.
I wanna be an English teacher, pianist, singer and a stewardess. 4 choices. Oh my crackers, it's hard to pick 'cause I want to be all of it. Woots.
1)English Teacher
The reason why I want to be an English teacher, it's because I love English subject. Other than that, I love to teach other people too, mostly kid. I want to be an educated teacher, who loves her student. Loyal, active, creative, kind and funny teacher. I want my future students to love me. Awe, that's going to be sweet.
My dream since I started taking piano lesson. 05/01/2007 was the date I first entered the house of music. I can feel the aura of music that was played by my ex senior. Now, he's working at Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London, United Kingdom. He's an artist, he's a performer, he traveled around the world and he's my idol. I wanted to be like him. He's the greatest senior ever. *Salute*
The biggest and the earliest dream I ever dreamed. I wanted to be a singer and I started to sing when I was 1 year old, well, my dad said. I sing in the morning, afternoon, evening and even before bed time. Haha. Can't believe that but I have to believe it. Mom said I love to sing 'Twinkle twinkle little star'. Everyday I sing that song. At the age of 6, I started to sing in some occasion. I never joined any singing competition before. So I continue as I'm growing up and I finally wrote a song. It's called "Fly high butterfly". I know it's kinda weird but I try to upload it later. Yeah, if I have a chance to meet One Direction one day, I'll promise myself I will marry one of them. *Epic, disaster.* I hope my wishes came true. Amen.
Hah! Since I watched Awan Dania, the ambition of wanted to be a stewardess was on my list. I want to travel around the world, see the beautiful view in other country. It feels like heaven when you appreciate the beauty. Oh this world is amazing. I wanted to be like my cousin, Natalie 'cause she's a stewardess too. But she's on MAS wings. She only travel to West and East Malaysia. I want to travel all over the world.
But the most I want to be is a Singer and I wish I can be someday. Amen.
Okay off! It's 10:20 pm and I haven't started doing my homework yet. Oh gosh, I'm dead.
I could have die.
Tomorrow got Co-cum. I'm going to be late. Darn.
Night night peeps! :)
God Bless, xo,Angel(; Labels: biggestFAN♥, Dream Place♥, My Life, singing♥
Got 99 problems, Jesus handles all of it.
Ugh, holidays are over. School's back and I didn't went to school today.
Something was wrong with my family.
The reason why I didn't went to school today 'cause there's no one will take care of my dad and my lil' bro, roy. I woke up at 6 today. Directly to the kitchen to make breakfast for them. After for awhile, my housemate Jen went to the kitchen to help me. Yeah, the works finished quickly if she help me. At 7, mom woke up and asked me why I didn't went to school.
"Saya kesian ba sama kau mamy. Kau rela tidak p kerja sebab tiada orang mau jaga daddy sama roy. Mamy, sakit hati saya ba sebab you're the only one who sacrifice for us. Find money for food, drink, needs. Saya yang mau menangis oh mamy." - How I answered my mom.
She said ini hal orang tua. Tidak payah mau sibuk. Kau mesti mau p school, mau belajar, mau success. Kau tidak jealous ka tei? Anak kawan2 mamy semua berjaya. Kau bila? Tei, mamy tau kau memang mau tolong mamy tapi tanggungjawab kau yang sebenar ialah study. Be a smart student. I don't want you to fail.
I went to my room, and I cried...
It's sad that your mom said like that to you. Aren't you? Huu. My heart sank.
My cousin Gwen went to Keningau and she promised her parents that she will stay here for only 3 days but she was wrong.
She stayed for 1 week and it satisfied me a lot. Wooooooooooooo! It was great with her. I can't live without her but what could I do? Dad said if he's already recover from his illness, he'll tell me to move to Tambunan and live with Gwenny.
I can't wait to get out from this district. This stupid fucking ass district. I hate Keningau like seriously, Keningau is kinda hell for me. I wish I can get out from here and start a new life in another district. I know you guys don't please me but the fuck? This is my choice, my dignity. Who the eff are you.
Oh that Louis's gif. I saw their video diary and I searched for the gif of it and I found it. Hahaha. Oh my gosh isn't he cute? He is right? Harry and Liam, Niall and Zayn too. Five of them are super effin HOT. I just can't get enough of them. wew.
Last Monday was my lil' bro's birthday. Happy Belated Birthday, Roy! Kakak always loves you. I guarantee that you'll be a Priest when you grow up. Dad's wishes will finally come true.
Okay I'm off, bye humans.
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: biggestFAN♥, ohana♥
新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year.
Happy Chinese New Year to all of you who's celebrating it. especially me.
I miss my family at Kota Marudu. I wish next year we could go there and celebrate with them. Amen.
Just now I went to my aunt's house. I'm so full with my uncle's cooking. He was like, the greatest chef ever! I'm fulled with his delicious Chinese food. On the table were fulled with pork.
Pork is the most awesome food ever. You'll feel sorry if you didn't eat it.
Not to tell ya'll to eat it, sorry if you guys 'tersinggung'.
My stupid mouth had start.
Okay, continue.
My aunt went to her friend's house. Yeah she can't be with us just now. Only uncle, Hengky and Ming2.
I've waited those '红包' to me but, I was wrong.
Then after we went home, she called my mom.
"Besok kamu p rumah lagi la. Suruh tu budak2 p lagi, terus saya kasi angpau sama dorang."
F yeah man. Money, come at me bruh.
Oh yeah forgot to tell about my driving lesson.
I drove today. From JPJ to Warung Alan only 'cause I'm scared. Then I parked at Warung Alan and this 4 guys laughed at me.
I was mad, and I would like to chop off their heads off. 4 fuckers laughing like a hyena.
"Like you passed it all when you first drove a car and and suddenly you would drive your car like a boss. Fuck you whores. All of you are ego and shit-ass fart people. Whores, slut, egos, suck eggs. Kalau boleh saya mau hambat kamu guna baseball bat ba satu². Ish, nasib hari minggu, hari suci. Kalau tidak, saya sudah keluar p pukul kamu."
I'm not just saying, I will do this 'cause I'm mad.
Who wouldn't be mad? Ugh.
Like you're a pro enough. Okay, just wait one day. I'll be driving like a boss, or a pro would be sarcastic.
hehehehe. *Ego laugh*
Okay I'm the one who is ego now.
Alright, I'm off. Wanna watch this movie called 'The Transporter' on Astro Ria.
Happy Birthday, Mommy! I love you for all of my entire heart. I will always love you.
新年快乐! 保护安全哦. 恭喜恭喜!
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: ohana♥
Broke into pieces.
Sup people.
Yeah, I deactivate my facebook account. Well, both of it.
I can't stand seeing my stupid attitude to one of my best friend.
I'm so stupid!
Yes, I am. Now I'd realized that I'm a total stupid brat, sorry for everything sister. Fuck my careless mouth.
I'm so sad now.
I said something unusual, but not in purpose. Then my brothers heard about it.
My heart broke into pieces.
What kind of best friend am I? Yeah I know a stupid one, right? Okay, I can't celebrate Chinese New Year if like this. Every time I remember about my stupid attitude, I cry.
Holy shit, why Angel why? Why are so fucking stupid that you can say it out loud to your brothers? Oh fuck man!
I should die. But before I die, I wanna go to confession first.
It's worth maybe, 'cause people don't care about me. So the good choice is maybe I'll back to God's side. People nowadays only think about themselves. Not even bother caring about their closest one, best friends, girlfriend/boyfriend.
But it's okay, God still care about us, who didn't cared about people. We're the same :)
Now I don't need that shit-ass facebook anymore. I'm free from social website. Too much socialite there and I'm almost die of the socialites.
Teens nowadays need to have time with their loved ones. Too much online-ing facebook will have a tense relationship with family. So, stop being so social my friend.
It's not really good. *take note*
I never had a fight before with her. We're always together, and forever stick each other. We're 4, so whenever one of us hate each other, me and her can't tear apart, 'cause we're sisters. She's the one who always there for me, always hear my feelings, sing together in some occasion. But now she hates me, it's a goodbye for it. No more this, no more that. No more texting with her again. I will miss that moments, I will cherish it really good.
I have a lot of friends, but only her that I really close with. She's my best friend, best sister and best cousin. I will never forget what you did to me. You're a great person, and you should know that. I'll pray that isawhoyoukiss will like you, and I know he will. Just patient, ex-best friend :)
Straight away from that,
I have to go to confession later. At 2 something maybe.
I wanna confess my sins that I've done this month, or maybe last year. Although last year I've already confessed but, we're not a perfect human. We make mistake, unnoticed, without people see noticing, but God saw what we did. And yes, we're not perfect like God. He's the almighty and the most perfect one.
Also the special people, they're perfect too 'cause they don't know what they do. By that, they don't have any sins.
They are very special, and you guys should know that.
If ya'll have teased someone who's not that normal, you are fucking idiot.
You guys should have been threw out to hell.
Amen for that.
I wanna say to all the people who are visiting my blog, I love my little baby brother so much! Even though he's an autism kid, I don't care. I will give a middle finger and a strong word if you tease or bully him.
No one should underestimate him. Therefore, they should face to face with me.
You're chicken?
Glad to know that, ass.
Anyway, Beyb will teach how to drive later 'cause mom told me to -.-
Curse that.
She said I should drive to school everyday so that she can sleep more and rest more.
I know, mom's really tired but still she can wake up early everyday just to send me to school then after that she shower and do that do this then go to office.
Poor mom.
I just can't wait when I'm older and I got a job and said this to mom and dad, "Hey mom, dad. You don't have to work for me. Now, I work for you. Thank you for all the hardworking you guys did when we're still young back then. I know it's hard but, I'll try. It's okay, you guys can stay home and watch tv all day 'cause that's what we did when we're still kids. Mom, dad, I appreciate what you guys did to us. Give us money to school, drove us here, drove us there, bought us this, bought us that. But now? Your turn mom, dad. It's worth a shot. I love you mom, dad, and I will never forget about you both kindness to us siblings. :)"
^ This will satisfy me a lot. Maybe when I say this to them in the future, I will cry a river :L
Okay, I should stop here 'cause I can't stand looking at my post. Bye and shalom peeps.
p/s: Dear ex-best friend, if you saw this, I will always love you. Remember that. Even though you wont forgive me, it's okay. I'll just accept the fact.
God bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, ohana♥
This is super sweet.
Super sweet. I just can't stop crying :(
I wish I had a boyfriend like him......
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
It's holiday!
And you know what's that suppose to be mean?
fuckerruuuuuuue -.-
So yeah, I've been left/abandon my blog for awhile. My real diary too.
As for that, I wanna make a loooooooooong update today cuhs I got a loooooooooooot of stories to tell you guys.
Yesterday was a shit day for me.
This form 1 prefect asked to tuck-in my shirt *'cause I'm wearing pj's shirt* but in a rude way. I mean,
watafak girl?
You could have asked me to tuck-in my shirt in a polite way. I'm your senior so please, respect me with all of your heart. You think you're a prefect and then you can rude all the way to the other students?
And yeah, you're still form 1 little girl. You're 13 and I'm 14. You could die as soon as possible if you want to.
Oh I'm such a rude senior! Muahahah!
so beat it, losers.
In fact, I just tucked-in my shirt.
Just to make sure that people know that Imma good student.
On the way to get those forks from the Chinese canteen, I shared my feelings to Jacinta. Right beside me when that tragedy happened. We talked while we're heading to the Chinese canteen. lol.
I was like, "Aih, pindik ja ba kau budak. Saya tinggi ba. Kalau saya tandang kau, silap2 kau tebuang oh. Babi." All Jacinta can do was laughing. Hahahaha. I know I'm a funny brat and all that shit but yea, this is me. I can't stand a little kid asks me. F man, all I can I say is:
F C U K you. Thanks biatch.
Okay enough yesterday's tragedy. Let's talk about today!
It's Friday!
Alright, it's Friday. Today at school was fun! I can't forget about this.
The first period was History. So our class divided and made lots of group. We haven't ready yet that time. My character? Long Jaafar ba. Isn't that weird? Other than Long Jaafar, I'm one of the Chinese people too.
We didn't have the opportunity to wear those mustache that had print by Joy. So, we just get on with it and start acting. Me, Mc Ohlsen, Kellyn, Joy and Nella: we're in a group of 5.
"Woooooooooooi! Masuuuuuuuuuk!"
-Hahaha my line. We made it spontaneously. No remembering lines, no script, no that. Just spontaneous.
"Berhenti berkawad. Kau, kau kasi bersih kasut saya! Oi kau perempuan! Kau petik tu bunga. Kau kira la berapa yang kau petik tu, nanti saya tanya kau tidak tau, awas ah!"
My spontaneous lines. I don't know what to say that time so, that's just it. After I said those lines, I looked at Nella and Joy and I laughed. I can't stand it. So after those lines, Joy read the story what's going to happen that I don't know. Then I went to the corner of the room and sat down. I just looked Mc and Kellyn's acting.
A lot of people laughed at our acting, this is a good news. Glad they liked it!
Only that part I like the most. Then, it's nothing. Ert and Science, home away.
Oh yeah!
It's almost Chinese New Year!
I can't wait to celebrate it.
I can't wait for open houses, I can't wait for fun with my family and friends, I can't wait for the 'red packet' so that I can earn some $$ money! F yeah buddy.
Too bad we can't go to Kota Marudu.
There I got a looooooooooot of Chinese family. Since my late grandma is Chinese, I got Chinese blood too.
Another announcement!
My brothers are going back to Keningau today! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
After weeks they're at KK, I missed them so much. They're my bodyguard actually. Whoever bully or tease me, they'll help me to beat up the person.
How great is your life to have a brother? Super duper great. No, superb awesome.
Okay, I have to go to my piano class. I have to paid my January fee and also I want to work hard and study hard for my theory exam on July or August. I hope I pass! Amen :)
Bye pepol!
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: High School ♥, My Life, ohana♥
ze Long and ze Short post.
Good evening followers, and whoever visited my blog.
Okay, this is long and short post for only update. Sorry bloggy 'cause I've abandon you. I got no time to blog and yea I'm busy with homework, chores, homework, piano class, homework, scout activities, homework.
See, I changed my background again 'cause the old one looks like a heart-broken kinda layout. Gee, sorry man. I'm not in the mood of heart broken anymore. Oh gosh, super yeah for me! Yeaaaaaaaaaah! Hahaha. Aight, see why I'm so happy? 'Cause, well, something. Something you shouldn't know.
Nah, just kidding. Sooner ya'll know what/who it is. Hihi :)
Alright, I'm off. School tomorrow, and it's Thursday and the next day is Friday! Three cheers for Rebecca Black day!
lol. Good night me followers! Me gusta you all! ♥
happy 18th birthday, Zayn Malik.
I love you like I love all of you guys.
Awe, I wish I can say that to ya'll. But sadly I can't :(
oh well.
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: biggestFAN♥, High School ♥
Years of waiting.
Good evening followers! Hey ***, this is for you.
Hey you. When will you reply my post? I've been waiting like years. Oh my gosh, angel, you're scarier than ever. Okay stop. I missed you, dude. I know it sounded really retarded when a retard person typed like that but still I confess k? I'm not lying and I'm not hiding something from you. Maybe you don't know that I'm talking about you.
You're always on my mind, and I couldn't help it. People who saw this post, if you love this, thanks! Well if you don't, press Ctrl + w at the same time. You got your own way now.
Yes, mostly my besties know I liked you. You know why I liked or had a big crush on you? Not only that you look like Kim Hyun Joong, but you got a kind-heart.
You're not ego like the other cute boys,
you're not a maniac who cares you got a lot of lady friends,
you're limited edition and lots lots lots.
I'm out of words but yes, you are one in a million for me ♥
Awe, I wish I could be the one for you and your last one. And I wish you could be the one for me and forever my last one. Hmm, all I do is keep calm and be patient. Hihi :3 I will always wait for you. I know you'll be mine one day. Amen.
Okay goodnight me followers. School tomorrow. Be sure to wake up early! Hihi :)
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: xoxoforever♥
First day, first stress.
Hello everybody and good evening.
As this night approaches, let me tell you my story of first day of school.
3rd of January 2012
Okay, I woke up at 6:24 am and I thought I was late for school. Off from bed, took my towel and in to toilet. Yes I didn't have the time to shower again 'cause really, it's already late! I just brushed my teeth, wash my face and out from toilet. Wore my baju kurung, wrist watch, powder up, stockings, shoes, bags and chiao!
Halfway, and I can see from outside that all of people were heading to the hall. Oh gosh, I rushed down from the car and not forgetting to say 'bye ding' to my brother before I close the door. Run and run and run with my new 'Vans' school shoes that I bought from Nicole. Nah, it's not vans it's 'North Star'. Haha.
Heading to the hall alone with crowded people and I saw the juniors. Hmm, they look obviously nerdy. They looked like me too last year. Oh gosh, they reminded me when I was a form one girl. I miss being little. *Inside* Searching for my friends. *Where are they?* - my heart said. And hey, I saw Jacinta. We talked only for 8 seconds and she left with her other friends and beside me I saw Flory, Mei Qi, Ming-ming and Chelsea.
'eeeeeeeee flory! saya rindu kauuuuuuuu!' That's the first thing I said to her, and the rest too. I miss them like, I never saw them for infinity years. It's like, we lost and lastly meet each other back. Awe, miss them like hell. After that, I saw Lala. 'wooooooooooi lala! hahah!' I guess I said that and she saw my shoes and got jealous. Yaka lala? haha! "nigaaaaaaaa! oii! bahaha!' It's Nadine the one who I called. Hahaha. She's a nigger. lol. And the others, Rista, Joy, Wanda, Men-men, Sharon and else, I talked to them too. Hee :)
It's a special assembly. So we sat in front, not too front. Beside me was Lala, behind me were Flory, Mei Qi, Chelsea and Ming-ming. Behind Lala were Rista, Loved and the santungs I guess? I forgot. lol. We bragged, chatted, laughed, cut nails. Aren't we're lunatics? Yes, of course we are! Duh, then they said to me I moved to 2 Setia *first class*. First my thought was like: Oh you guys joking me right? Haha. Second thought: What? Seriously guys I'm serious okay? Third thought: Accompany me to the bulletin board now. Last thought: Oh my, it's real. *Smile*
So, my dreams came true. I studied hard and smart for the past year, 2011, and I gain ground with it. Thank you Lord ♥ I thanked you for hearing my prayers :) Okay, first day of school? Already stress out! Oh my gosh, man, it was like, someone beak my brain. A bird for example and electric current struck my brain also. But still I manage to understand it and did the homework and yeah, my class teacher is nice and cute too! tehee.
HAHAHAHA okay that was my story about first day of school. My expectation was fun, happiness, funny teachers, no homework, but my it was all wrong. Reality was loaded homework, mean teachers, stress, insanity and grey hair increase *I think*.
It was stress but I don't care about that stress thingy. All I do was having fun with Rista, Joy and Lala. We're in a group for sure. Oh yeah, we're the back-seat girls. F yeah dude. Haha. Tunjuk kuat, macam tai ja kami ne. But still, I love them ba. Oh and I remembered we voted Joy as Chief Sanitary and she did. We voted Lala as Class cheer leader and she lost. Haha we laughed all the way 'cause only 5 out of 44 students voted for her. Poor Lala, next time you'll have all the task.
So today I went to Sunset Mass. I was kinda love the whole Mass songs, it was Christmas songs actually. Gosh, the theme was Efifani (The Appearance of Christ) and the whole song was Christmas songs. I fell in love with the choirs's voice. They really have that talent and a sincere heart to sing for God. Awe, I wish I can join the Church choir. Hmm :/
Okay it's kinda late, so, Good night me followers! Love ya(: Texting with Dyra first! hee ♥
Who ever visited my blog, don't forget to follow me. Copy my url blog, go to dashboard, click add and paste it. Done! :D
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: High School ♥, kaibiganforeverr♥
School starts tomorrow.
Hello people! School starts tomorrow, and you know what's that suppose to mean?
More homework!
Hahaha! I don't know why miss school so much. It's been like years I didn't went to school. I miss my friends and I promise I will hug them one by one tomorrow morning. I love them I miss them. Okay, tell you guys the truth, this happiness of going to school will only last one day. Just one day, not more than one day. Will meet the bitches again. Fuuuuuuuu-
Reminds me of my gayfriends: Ching, Nella and Naye.
I miss this 3 the most. Awe, they all like my sisters from another mother. Wanna wake up early in the morning and getting ready to go to school and meet them, chat and brag and laugh with them. Miss those fun moments with the 3 gays. Xoxo guys ;*
Sinta, Brenda, Joy, Men-men, Ron, Gay, Ite, Ah Jed, Elvin: I miss you guys too! After school, we all always wait at canteen right? Awe, don't forget, that's our place! No one should take that place from us 'cause that is ours. Except for Ching. She went home really early 'cause she follow school bus, and also Naye too. tehee ;3
Okay, what's on my mind now is how am I going to face my last year ERT teacher? I haven't finish my ERT coursework. Seriously I hate knitting but I have to do it for my PMR next year. I really, really have to do it. I love cooking and this year is cooking course I guess? Hmm. I hope I can do it 'cause I love cooking. Heck yes baby.
I have to find those work and drawings I made last year and give it to my teacher. It will only take minutes if I search it really fast. I don't know where I put the works and drawings. Man I really have to find it before tomorrow.
Yes, I'm hurt because of a boy. As you can see my facebook status, I cried after I posted it. Such a baby -.-
And that boy is a jerk, for real.
I don't give damn for you any more. I thought you still the same, same old you. I was wrong, I was wrong to believe people words. You changed, a lot than ever, and I'm disappointed. Very.
You know what? Maybe I should stop hoping for you from now on. You only make my life miserable. Also stop posting about me, cursing me, talking back. It hurts okay? You shitzz. Ugh, get a life buddy. Oops, buddy? Oh no no no. Get a life, ass. Yea that's more better.
You'll never be a buddy of mine, ass.
Never mind I'll find, someone like you CDM. What about that, punk? You deserve that shit.
I'm off, gonna find that work and drawings of mine. Bye :)
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: High School ♥, kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
Happy Advance New Year 2012 :)
Hey everybodaaaaaay! Good afternoon! Yeah it's 1:57pm right now okay?
Don't disappoint me, 2012. I hope nothing bad happen. Amen.
So back to story. When the clock strikes 12, went out and watched those beautiful fireworks that been fired up by the people in the neighbour and far away people that I don't know where they living. lol. Yeah, it was fun, even though New Year celebration this year is simple and sunyi. Haha. Maybe tonight got New Year party, oh yeah baby.
This is what keeps me thinking like ass. Ugh, I don't believe this. Okay, Beyonce hide the sentence 'Got a game like an Aquarius'. That just it? She wants to hide? People said Aquarius is the age of the devil. Gee, fuck you man. Get your own life lucifer -.- And also they said Pisces is the age of Jesus Christ. He always symbolized by the fish, that I will believe truly. Not even lying!
Watch yourself and you'll gain nothing. lol seriously just listen and blah with it.
Having fun with families now, omg this is so fun. Well, really I'm tired and I wanna take a nap this instant. Wooo. Bye peeps! Happy New Year 2012 :D
God Bless, xo,Angel(; Labels: My Life, ohana♥
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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