Christmas trip next December.
Hello senor y senorita! Good afternoon :) May God bless your day.
Me and Gwenny were checking the flight schedule. Dad said next December we're going to UK! So, jyeaaaaaaaaah we are superbly excited about it. Who wouldn't right? It's the UNITED KINGDOM man! Okay, this is the first time I go oversea to celebrate Christmas Day. But still haven't confirm yet, still in discuss.
Oh please, please. I wanna go there so badly! *frown*
So we checked on Malaysia Airlines *'cause we know that Air Asia is really sucks, bad service and dirty*, checked the amount of money we have to pay if we wanted to go from Kota Kinabalu to London - Heathrow, and this is what we saw:
[click the picture to see a larger view]
Okay, this is just an example. We made 4 adults and 4 children. Well, I just looked to that circle thingy and it cost RM5238. We're like, okay then. We still got a lot money to add with. Until I saw that, the one with the pointer. Oh shoot.
U mad bro? The heck man -.- Okay, that total including tax are for 8 people. Well how about 11 people? Even more than this one! Oh mother of pearl, can we survive? But still it's the best deal, only RM5238. No best deal? You'll just have to dream it. Original price is RM8968. Fuuuuuuuuuuuu- I hope next December got best deal.
Like really, I don't have that a lot of money. If I'm a millionaire, I'll be traveling around the world right now with my family. No, trillionaire is better. oh how i wish..
Oh my gosh, I almost forgot. I have to go to Nella's grandma house. They got open house today. Shucks, I almost forgot. Ergh, I'll ask mommy first if I can go. If yeah, I'll bring Gwenny along. If not, hmm, well, too bad.
Bye semuaaaaaaa! lol
God Bless,xo,Angel(;
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥
Happy Blessed Christmas everyone ♥
Shalom brothers and sisters in Christ. How are you all?
Oh yeah, from my last post, I wrote that "I want to make a post before Christmas" that thingy but I didn't made it 'cause I got no time. I'm too busy doing housework and I went to bundle. I bought some clothes for Christmas Day. Oh man, 9 plastic bags from bundle. I love bundle ♥
Okay, let me just post about the definition of Christmas Day.
As you guys know, Christmas is the day that everyone wants to get merry, having fun, shopping for new clothes, dressing up, making list, seeing Santa at any certain mall.
Okay, me too. I shopped, till I dropped, like Gwenny said. Hahaha. Yeah, but still, I don't bother with the other thing. I still remember the birth of our Savior. Please don't forget about Him. Who created you? Who's there when you're happy, sad, mad, jealous and those other feelings? Jesus Christ! Yes! That's it! YOU GOT YOUR ANSWER!
Seriously, I hate really really hate Santa Claus. He freaking stupid and he's a myth. He's made up by those stupid idiot fucking FREEMASON people. And I was like:

I know right? Ugh like seriously, they got no life. They make people life more miserable and get those people into freemason. Euw, I will never fall for that thing 'cause freemason is a shit religious that hailed Satan. Ugh, get a life freemason's people. Christmas is the day for God, Jesus Christ. His birthday, not that freaking Santa shit Claus!
Like euw, he sees you when you're sleeping? He knows when you're awake? He knows when you're been bad or good? My gosh, more like stalker to me. Are you a God, Santa? No you don't, right? Wow, you're so stupid like fuck. Why everyone is listening to you? What the eff people stop believing on him. Gee, you got them hypnotized don't you Santa? Bodoh la wak ni. Go mati eh! Tak guna ada wak kat dunia ni. Ish, sampah la weh! -.-
Enough for that. That is the definition of Christmas Day, change people, CHANGE.
Oh yeah, last Friday we're busy cleaning the house and packing all of our stuffs 'cause we're going back to Tambunan! OHYEAHHHHHHH MAN!
Tambunan is sick! Oh gosh, it was awesome. But some of them didn't came. Oh well, there will be again next time. So don't worry my dear family ;D Dopest time with them.
We karaoke.
We drank beer.
We eat like pig.
We eat bibi and lesly's zesty egg. Gawd it was superb delicious.
We gone to town to eat pork. haha.
We camwhoring.
We gone to gwenny's house just to poop and take a shower 'cause at Tanaki sometimes doesn't have water.
And a lot more, dude.
It was fun, dudettes.
This is my last birthday present:
I don't know it released on my birthday! Ah, so made it a birthday present for me. This is destiny, I should make a cover for this, and I'll start tomorrow. I promise! I'll upload it directly to my blog and I will make youtube acc and upload it again.
Man I'm such a newbie -.-
Okay night! I'm hungry! Come Gwenny, let's go eat TALURRRR xD
Ha ha ha.
God bless, xo,Angel(;Labels: My Life, ohana♥
21122011:Awesome night♥
Ola hello hi everyone. Goodnight and shalom.
Just got back from the Dance Revolution at Complex, I mean at 9 something just now. Got back from complex, then change clothes and go to kitchen and eat 'cause I didn't have my dinner before going there. *Poor me, too excited to go* I'm with Ally, Belle and Rachel ♥
I saw my friend posted on her profile that Gzow won! Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaah man. But really they deserve to be on the 1st place or nice to say, Winner! Oh my, I'm so proud of them. Hey followers, if you went to DR just now, Gzow is the best crew right? Awmaigawd the way they breaking, acting and and and dance freely were amazaynnnnnn! Like Zayn Malik. Hahaha my my, I'm out of the topic. For me, Gzow, Killer Squad and Exbop are sick! Awesome, dope! MIC is okay too ;3
I didn't record it, Ally and Belle did. Yeah forgot to tell that I'm half deaf. You know why? The two cute girls were screaming like they saw a ghost. Nah, more like a cute girl are screaming like in heaven. trolololol for that. Well, they are. Duh ;D But yea I'm screaming like a screamo that is half dead.
Okay I'm off. Off to sleep. Yeay! :)
God bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
Dance Revolution.
Good day bloggerians! It's 3:36 in the afternoon, and yeah, it's freakin' hot now. Wohh~ *Sweating*
Tonight is the Dance Revolution Competition. Oh gosh I really want to go! I hope I can go. Hmm. *padahal memang pun. lol* Hahahah 'cause my bro's are going too. They didn't joined the competition 'cause they didn't have any time and they're stress about the thingy that they will going to KL next year or next month.
Be sure to watch my brothers on TV3 next year!
Dance Revolution are divided into two categories: Modern Dance & Korean Pop Dance. Oh yea, Nella and the MIC's are joining too! So yeah that's why I wanna go and watch her dance with the MIC. I'll go there and accompany Ally, yeah, Shirley Olim. teheeee;3 My biggy sister, i love Ally♥
Hmm, last night uh, I mean this morning at 1 something, me and Gwenny were webcaming. I'm like eeeeee she's getting cuter! Yeah she's whiter than me too. trololol Poor you Angel. I'm a timur, like seriously guys if saw me on the street, I really look like a timur. A timur that got many zits on ze face and got ze blackhead on ze nuse.
Le listening to Christmas songs for lighten up my Christmas spirit. 4 days till Christmas Day! wohoooooooooo. Tomorrow or Friday we will going back to Tambunan. I can't wait for it! Before I go to Tambunan, I'll write a Christmas post for you guys and I guarantee it will entertain and make you all realize what is the definition of 'Christmas Day'.
Okay I'm off! Gonna go and take a shower. DR, I'm coming!
God Bless, xo,Angel(;
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
Everyday I love you.
Good morning everyone!
Maybe I'll just write a short post for this morning. I just wanna told you guys that everyday I fall in love with him. Like seriously man. Now, his profile picture looks like Edward Cullen.
Oh my gosh, like, seriously dude, what makes you so cute? Like that domo thingy, domo doll. Wait, you look like Shin Chan for me. Awe, cute! Okay enough angel. If he saw this you'll be embarrass. Well yea I'm telling the truth, there's no need to hide right? But really if he saw this post, I'll be a freak. I'll be embarrass for my entire life! Intensity life!
*This is what I called Edward look-alike Cullen, right? I fall in love with him everyday. Awe♥*
Okay, I wanna show you guys this video:
I saw this video from Kelvin's profile.
Hey guys, this is Lionelson *a person that I know since last year that I know from Daryl Spencer*. Hahaha. Last year I was texting with Daryl and so, I know all of his friends 'cause they said that he liked me. Aish, cerita lama okay? Sekarang dia ada girl tu, awe, sweet ba dorang. Like seriously! ;D
Lionelson, your voice is awesome!
Okay night everybody! Bye(;
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life
God is Love♥
Shalom khavehrot. Ma shelomkha?
It means how are you. Yeah, how are ya'll doing?
Forgot to say, Happy blessed Sunday to everyone who's visiting my blog. Yea, I went to confession yesterday at church. Oh finally, my sins have gone from my body. I'm so happy that I've finally become a holy person. I'm so excited. I love being a holy person, never curse, never do bad things, never underestimate a person and a lot more.
Now I want to change, to change in a good way. I wanna be more close to God. I wanna proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to people that haven't know about him more deeply. I wanna join the church choir to sing for him and when I'm 15, I wanna join the Christmas caroler to sing for him and also proclaim the good news of him: The reborn of Jesus Christ.
I wanna upload my singing video on youtube. I hope if you guys saw this post and ya'll support me. I need you guys to support me for my singing career. I don't need fame, if I can't be a singer, I can be a singer for my God. I love him more than everything. He's important for me more than everyone else. Well, my family, friends are also important for me. But, God first. I love my Lord, Jesus Christ.
*His birthday is coming up! Happy Christmas or should I say, Happy Birthday dear Lord, Jesus :) We love you so much. ♥*
7 days left till Christmas Day! Yeaaaaaaaaaay can't wait for it!
We're going back to Tambunan on 23. Gonna pack a lot of clothes 'cause we're staying there until New year. We'll back on 2nd of January, hmm, maybe, 'cause 4th of January is school day.
I don't want this holiday end. Okay guys, wake me up when January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November end. Yea I'll wake up on December, another Christmas month! Wohooooo.
Okay, if i'll do like that, people will think that i'm dead. lol -.-
Hmm, hayiti rotse levaker beyisrael beatid. Amen. *I'd like to visit Israel one day.* Well, if I got a lot of money and it doesn't ban me, a Malaysian, to go there. Amen amen! Wooooo seriously I wanna go there very much. Or Rome. Rome is also a place to be. I wanna go Vatican, Rome. Yes, I would like to meet Pope Benedict XVI, our Catholic leader. Awe, really wanna meet him and I'll hug him for sure!
This, this beautiful lady, is a great singer and awesome pianist. I love her voice, the way she sings. I get goosebumps every time I listen to her covers. It's really, angelic and peace to listen it. Just like in Heaven, you're singing with God, and the people there. Awe, I wanna meet God. I do.
Her name is Marina Darmawan if I'm not mistaken.
Okay that's it. I'll stop here. Shalom :)
God bless you all.
Labels: My Life
Almost destroy.
Good morning and shalom khavehrot. *I'm learning Hebrew, that's why.*
Well, let's chat. Um, later in afternoon, going to confession with the brothers and Florytiuuut c pindik! Awe. Seriously I miss her effin' much! Gee can't wait to meet her tomorrow! Argh! Flory I love you and I miss you moreeeeeee! If you saw this, please, you know me right? A hyperactive ladey? Hahaha ;D
The craps are starting again.
Okay. Now, I wanna be a good girl. Gonna confess my sins and thank God that he forgive me, as always he is. You're the only one who understands me the most. You know how I live with my miserable life now. It's terrible and you're the only one who knows how I feel. When I'm happy, you're here with me. Sad, angry or whatever, you're the one who is beside me, always. I love you God. I promise, my family will make you happy for your incoming birthday. Amen :)
Hmm, about that title? Almost destroy. Yes, it is.
You know what's 'almost destroy'? Our family! Dad almost move out from this house and go to Tawau with his family. We're crying like heck hell man. We're terribly sad about it. Dad said, "My kids doesn't need me anymore. They don't want me here to live with them anymore. It's okay, they are already grown up. I'll just move to Tawau and stay with my family."
And I was like: Dad, who said we don't need you anymore? You're so important to us, especially mom. She loves you very much 'cause you're her husband. Who wouldn't be sad if her husband leaves her? Well, that's called a BITCH-FREAK!
Dad, we love you, we love you so much. One thing I didn't satisfied with my dad is, he's a partial man. He treats his family nicely and don't let them do works. But if from my mom's family, he's partial attitude will come out. He'll tell them to work, to do that to do this. Aren't that is so annoying? Dear cousins from mom's side, I've been there, everyday man, everyday. But patient is the first thing you have to do 'cause my dad is not a normal person. He's a sick person. He can walk but not that normal, he can talk but not that clearly.
So if you hate my dad, get a shotgun and shot yourself at the neck side. You'll be peace then. If you love my dad, be patient if he tell you to do something. Well, just 'if'. Itu pun kalau kamu jumpa daddy saya lah. Tidak semestinya kamu jumpa dia. Ada juga sesetengah kamu tidak berapa kenal saya kan? So this reminder are for my friends, relatives and people that I know/close to me. Yes, patient it is! ;)
Confession tomorrow. I'm a wannabe good girl, and tomorrow I'll be! God, forgive my sins as we forgive each other. Amen.
Oh yeah, Nella and the MIC dancers are performing at K-Mall tomorrow. So, who's not going there to watch her? An asshole. Hahaa duh. I wanna go! But I'm not sure. Well, maybe I'm going to be an asshole for someways. lol Babun punya angel. -.- I hope I can go. Amen amen.
Omg omg watch this! Ryan and Dtrix - Christmas Swag.
So, do you have the Christmas Swag in you? Hmm?
I watched that video for a million time since Wednesday until today. Screw myself. I got nothing to do so, yeah, nigahiga is an ADDICTION babeh. Can't take it. If you're really obsessed with nigahiga, you'll never stop watching Ryan's videos, like, I'm telling the truth here!
Oh oh oh! Forgot to tell ya'll. Yesterday the Sfx church carolers went to our house! Awmaigawd, the way they sang! It's like, I felt like, I'm in heaven. Woaaaaaaaaaaah, it was really great. Goosebumps overload! They got that, amazing angelic voice. *sigh* I want more.
Okay this house is turning into a Pub -.- It's loud with pub musics. And more worst is I'm getting hang to it. I meant the songs k? Also started to sing that lol pub song. Wow that bass hurt my chest.
We will stop here. My mom suddenly woke up and found out I haven't sleep yet but luckily she didn't scold at me. Oh yeah.
Mornights everybody!
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥
Sympathy for you gone from my dictionary.
Good afternoon peeps. Happy 1:02pm too.
Okay my craps started again.
In this very hot afternoon, I, myself, Hartzlin Vanzvanessa Julean Edryse, confessed that, the SYMPATHY word for him had gone from my dictionary. More sarcastic, gone from my life. Like seriously, you can move now. No one will care if you go there, including me, the most. I know. The town here is a newbie, aren't it right? Keningau doesn't have a lot of malls like there. And the girls here are ugly for you right? So yeah, you may move out your butt from this town.
Oh God, there is too much temptation for the incoming Christmas Day. Well, all I can do is pray to God.
Now texting with cousin Gwenny. I mean just now, at 12 in the morning. She got problem, about her boyfriend. Hahaha ;D Awe. Never thought that my cousin is a sweet person. Um, we texted until 4:02am. Aren't we're awesome? Until 4 in the morning aye. Jyeah man, we rule \m/
Fyi people, I just woke up. Are you surprised? No you don't right? Psst. Good that my mom doesn't know I've just woke up. If she knew, I'll be a dead meat by now. She'll scold me non-stop! Luckily dad's a sport, he doesn't care as long as I wake up, he's okay. Yeah love you daddy :) ♥
But yeah I also love you mommy ♥
I'm hungry. So hungry that I could eat a horse. lol? Did I just said one of the idioms? Cool. Haha. Anyway I'm talking through my brain to typing. So yeah I'm talking right now. It's crazy right? I know! Wow, I'm new with this talking through brain to typing thingy. zzz you ass -.-
*Bird chirping sound*
Awe, this is life. But it's freakin' hot. Spoiled. Really.
Wait, how many days left until Christmas Day? 10 days. Okay.
Can't wait man. But before that, I have to go to confession. Oh Lord I haven't confess my sins yet. If I can't go, please God, forgive our sins as we forgive each other. Amen :)
Next Tuesday I'm going to Tambunan. I'm stayin' at Gwenny's house first, wanna get wild with her. Hahaha. Funny aye? Yes we are. Serious shit I really miss her. Can't wait for this year Christmas! Hmm, I hope this year Christmas is the greatest than the other year. Wuuuuuuuuuuu~ Tambunan here I come! lmfao angel.
They're watching the food channel. Daaaaaaaaaaaaddy! Stop torturing me. I'm hungry k? Okay come, we'll having a lunch right now.
Bye peeps :)
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
Troll from Hell.
I'm not really in a great mood now. Seriously, someone pissed me off. Like, really, who checked hacked my facebook account? I'm pissed off man. No one knows my new password 'cause I already changed it last night. Wow man, this is UNBELIEVABLE. You're the greatest hacker ever!
Good to know that, punk.
Only a twerp wants to hack my account. Well, now you are officially a twerp. I was thinking, maybe someone who hates me copy my email from my facebook info or ask someone else, then he/she hacked my facebook account without people noticing. Damn man!
Just now I log in and I saw something very unusual.
It says that my account have been locked for temporarily because someone had just log in to my account or may called it a 'hacker' had just log in to my account. I was like:
You're fuckin' annoying k? Stop messin' around with my facebook account. Thank God that I made through the test. Well, something like that. A test to make sure that you're the real owner of the facebook account. Okay, curse you man, or woman. You suck eggs. Real suck. Oh yeah, I ate deviled eggs just now.
And I would puke all of those eggs in front of you and force you to eat it.
I know it's gross but, who cares? You hacked, you egg. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA get it? Did you get it? You hacked, you egg? HAHAHAHAHAHA oh my gummy bears I don't know what I'm yappin' right now. Psst, lunatic overload after eating those deviled eggs :) tehee.
12 days until Christmas Day! Aweeeeee, I'm dreaming of a White Christmas♥ Can't wait for Christmas Day! Oh yeah, next Tuesday I'm going to Tambunan, well, only me. Pity me. Hahaha. I'll use mini bus, independent is a must! I'm 13 now, I have to be independent. If I don't start now, how am I going to be independent in an adult age? I don't wanna depend to my parents until I'm old.
So please, mommy and daddy, I'll take care of myself. I promise, I will.
Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song (Chestnut Roasting)
This song lighten up my Christmas spirit. It's really calming and fun to hear it. Well, oldies but the goodies! Oh the old times, I wish I lived in the 50's. But sadly I don't. Still I'm proud I was born in the 90's. The last one remain. Hahaha, miss the old time.
Okay, I'm off. See you whenever! Goodbye.
Labels: My Life
Goodnight little angels :)
Shalom once again brothers and sisters in Christ.
It's 1.29 in the morning. Uh about that tittle huh? Well it's nothing. Just something I like to say to every kids I know when they are asleep. It sounded really cute right? I know. Love saying those 3 words, Goodnight little angels. It's like, God blessed them and the angels from heaven come and protect them.
It's a wonderful thing right?
Okay. I'm listenin' to Jason Derulo's song 'Don't wanna go Home' now at Hitz. I'm super bored so, music it is. Music cure my boredom. Yea really. Oh yea, I miss CDM :( I saw something hurtful at his profile just now. Someone posted "♥ for you.." at his wall. Gee why am I jealous about this? I'm not his girl. Duh, fail angel fail.
He is just, TOO CUTE! Kim Hyun Joong okay? He is. Jenguk jenguk la gambar Kim Hyun Joong, gitu la muka dia. Omg like seriously, CDM! Tegur tegur la bah. Satu kali ja tau kau tegur saya. Pasal fb sa cari pasal then tiada lagi kau layan saya. Noooooooo. Why? Ergh :/
This is one of my fav picture of him:
Handsome right? He is! Compare to Kim Hyun Joong, you'll find the answer. He is studying at Gunsanad 1. A form 3 student. Psst, am a stalker. A great stalker. Ha, I am awesome! lol ;D Okay CDM you're cute. Cuteness overload, omoooooo~ -.-
Okay, if you are one of his friend, please don't tell him about this. If I know that you have told him, I'll unfollow you. Nah seriously I'm joking I'm not gonna unfollow you guys. It was just a joke. tehee;3 But please no aye? Pretty please, a big NO. *sigh* If only he know that I like him and he likes me too. Er haters, you mad? Keep on mad 'cause I don't even care what you think, troll. You're just jealous aren't you? Hmm, good to know.
Recently, I've been listening to 1D's song 'One Thing'. Wow it is awesome. More awesome is the acoustic version. Click here to listen the original version and the here for the acoustic version. Enjoy hearing it peeps! Both version sounded really awesome. I guarantee :)
Okay it's almost 2. I'm off! Night bloggerians.
Labels: My Life, xoxoforever♥
10122011-11122011:Lunar Eclipse♥
On my blog in a Sunday morning. Yes it's 1:22 am, still I can't sleep. I was sleeping by now. Well, suppose to. I got many thoughts right now. Darn, I can't stop thinking bout something that, really, really not important for me already. Just go away from my life k? I don't wanna talk about you anymore. Done talking about you.
You know, I love you so much but why? You make my life miserable everyday. Uh, it's like I'm invisible for you now. For now on. Okay I give up, you win. You WON. I don't want to say anything again. You're the winner so, be proud 'cause you'd just broke a girl's heart.
Saya diam diam sini sakit berapa minggu sudah. Terus saya nampak post kau gitu tambah saya sakit bro. Wa hebatnyer. Tak sangka eh? Lepas dah berbaik dengan aku, terus gaya buruk awak sambung balik kan? Okay la. Tak tau nak cakap apa lagi. Wak menang, gua kalah. Kalau dah gini, memang confirm la saya nak pindah gi Tambunan. Tidak mau tengok muka kau lagi di Keningau. Abang, sakit la bang.
Dah berapa kali dah abang kasih sakit adik ne. Belum cukup lagi ka? Amaaaaaa~
Dui gima gia kau bang, sudah la k? Saya puas sudah dengan karena kau tu. Puas saya tengok muka kau. Walaupun kita terserempak 2 kali saja, puas sudah okay? Kalau terserempak lagi, ne kali memang saya tidak mau tengok muka kau. Hahaha, ne kali la angel. Kau memang hebat.
Hey brotha, if you're reading this, please don't ever say Hi or whatever it is to me again aye? I'm tired of your attitude, you keep hurting my heart. You said you wont hurt it again but you did it again. Oh gosh, I'm hoping for you bro, I'm hoping that you'll never hurt my feelings again but you did. You broke your promises, our promises. You said you wouldn't let me go but you did, you did okay?
You did it again and I'm tired. I'm tired with your act. I loose hope from you.
I'll pray for you. God bless you and her. Have a great life and yea, I thought you were the one for me but I was wrong, I was super wrong. Jesus, I know this is a temptation before Christmas. Anything happen, I'll surrender and give it to you, God because you are the only one who understands me a lot. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.
Oh yeah, it's eclipse just now. Omg it was great. Me, Gine and Chien were up at the tank picnic while watching the great LUNAR ECLIPSE. We ate maggie, banana fries, cakes and biscuits, orange juice and some music. Yeah, great night. For sure. Well, everyone in the neighbourhood is also enjoying it. Duh they are. The entire Keningau is. I know, very very the sakaii. xD lol for that.
I'm fulled. Truly. I don't know but I'm sure that I'll be a pig soon. Or maybe tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, next day, other next day, and next day, another next day. Pfft I sounded like Mr. Crab. Hahaha ;D I'm su pah fa ni.
Get it? ha ha ha.
You mad? No aye? 'Cause ya'll love me. Awe, love you too. *Parasan* Okay I'm crapping right now.
Facebook ribut pasal Eclipse. Enough, Eclipse was past just now at 1.31 am. Wait for next year again k peeps? Wait for Solar Eclipse on November 13-14, 2012. Yes, Malaysia will hit by the Solar Eclipse too. If you want to know more about next year's Solar Eclipse, click here.
Today as on Sunday is the 3 week of Advent. Yipeee! Two more weeks and Christmas is here! Super happy bout it! The carolers will come here on Thursday. Very very cannot wait for it, and my heart is jumping non-stop right now. Wow, I'm so excited? I can't believe it! Haha.
Yeah can't wait to go back to Tambunan! Jyeaaaaaah and most of all, Jesus Christ our Savior's birthday! We could not forget about you, God. We will always love you and you remain forever in our heart. Fuck you Santa Claus. Because of you, my Lord is sad every year. Stop hypnotizing those kids that you're really exist but you're not. You just been made up by those shit freemason.
Screw them all, really.
I'm mad. I am mad. K stop angel, you're making yourself miserable. lmfao -.-
Aights, night everybody! I'm sleepy, veryyyyyyyy ;O ><"
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
Immature? Yes, you are.
Good Night.
I'm mad right now, I'm serious mad. This, this person, who said my lil' brother a KINGKONG,
Wow lady, you gone retarded right?
Yes you are.
A person like you shouldn't be a teacher at a Specialist School for the not-normal kids. They are special. You? You're not even special. You're just a piece of shit and got no patient at all. Kids like them don't understand a thing, they don't know what are they doing, they don't have sins. You, you're a normal person should think nicely and maturely with the kids. I know you are a new teacher but you're still on practical. Respect these kids and they'll respect you back.
I don't understand why you said like to my lil' bro. Why you're so stupid to said like that? It's because he likes to beat up his chess and then you said him a Kingkong? Let me help you beat up your chess like a Kingkong. You'll like it and probably your oxygen will gone. I promise bitch.
I didn't expect that a wannabe specialist teacher is acting like that. In adult age like you, you should be mature already but, why? WHY?? I got a lot of question marks for you. Seriously, why you cursing my brother yesterday? Are you outta your mind? You're fucked up I guess. You're just a piece of shit ass.
Okay enough cursing. I'm off. God bless you, person.
Late night snack mood: ON
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
Yes, I will.
Labels: xoxoforever♥
Missin' my hometown.
Ola senor y senorita.
Watching Top Chef and I'm effin' hungry right now, plus the fragrance from the kitchen, hell mother sweet cake
I don't know what happened today. I don't wanna talk about it either. Where's you cousin when you need them? Gwenny! Where are youuuuuu? :( I miss Gwenny so much. We're just webcam-ing this past days. Okay, still not enough. I still miss her. Awe, I miss you lesbian! lol ;D And I love you♥
I've been thinking lately, about this incoming Christmas Day. Can't wait to celebrate it with mah' big family. Yeah, I miss Tambunan superbly! Never been there for 2 years and 11 months, aren't that epic? Yes it is. lol I wanna go there early as possible. Me and Gwenny wanna buy presents for the fruitchild. Hee aren't we good aunts?
Y to the E to the S!
What is it call?
I'm starting my crap right now. Wtf -.- Acting like a cheerleader, euw. Aights stop. Be right back k? Dinner time!
1 hour and 34 minutes later......
Hi, I'm back! Hahah lambat kan saya makan? I know! I am, psst, as if. Duh. Okay I'm fulled already so, no more late night snacks. That is why I'm a fat girl now. My fatness increase, day by day, non-stop and imma eating machine. Oh gosh I have to burn my fatness before Christmas. Bodoh, siapa suruh makan manyak-manyak lmfao -.- Gila lu angel ah. Gua dembak-dembak lu. Dembak manyak sikit kat lemak lu tu. Wa kasih tau lu ah, exercise sikit supaya tak kena ejek juga nanti.
Bruh, idgaf to people that tease me 'cause I'm fat. You're just jealous 'cause you're not a fatty like me, aye? Middul fingah foh u! .|.
Off! Mau cari mangsa bewebcam. Night(;
Ninja out!
Labels: My Life, ohana♥
My fault for being so desperate.
Hey, it's 3 somethin' in the morning and I still haven't sleep yet. Great -.-
Let me speak in Malay so this subject can be understood clearly.
Hi abang! heh. Harap kau nampak ne post saya. Ya, saya pun ada cakap tentang kamu dua. Mau tau ka bang? Saya cakap gitu sebab saya jeles, bodoh kan? Ya sa tau, memang immature betul saya ne. Eh antah la, tapi memang serious saya jeles sebab sejak kebelakangan ne abang tidak layan saya. Setahu saya abang layan dia saja. Saya okay saja sebab setahu adik abang memang suka dia and dia memang suka abang. Saya tidak tau pula yang abang tidak dapat terima cinta dia. Abang, saya tau saya ne memang tidak sempurna, semua manusia pun sama. Jadi jangan cakap yang abang tidak berhak lahir di dunia ini. Tuhan sudah pilih abang untuk lahir di dunia ne kay? Abang, saya tidak sangka yang abang bilang sama saya, "I can't let you go." Abang, saya nangis setengah mati tau. Balik-balik saya ingat itu ayat, then saya ingat abang. Saya rindu keadaan dulu.
Kita text and call 24/7. Yang best time calling. Abang selalu buat lawak sama saya. Abang satu orang yang kasih ceria adik time sedih, kasih ketawa adik. Macam abang ne salah satu best friend saya sudah, tulah saya pun suka abang. Eh bodoh bodoh. Haha. 1 tahun lebih oi abang, saya pun tidak tau kenapa saya boleh suka abang begitu lama. Ini fakta ah bang, kau baik, kau caring sama saya, kau sayang saya, kau lawak, kau handsome, kau cute, kau athlete, kau tidak pernah stop call and text saya, kau punya rambut AWESOME, kau memang seorang lelaki yang hebat, kau sangat alim, kau penyabar, well kadang-kadang bikin panas juga. haha, childish and banyaklah! Ah abang masih ingat yang 14 things tu? Sekarang 30 lebih sudah. Heh upgrade sudah bah abangku, abang ja tidak ambil kisah. Then tidak lagi tulis pasal fact abang tu sebab abang tidak layan saya tiba-tiba. Okay, secara tiba-tiba. Saya pun lupa kenapa abang tidak layan saya.
Abang, kau sweet bah. Hahah astaga lucuu;3 Kalau time kita calling, okay dua kali sudah adik cakap ne. lol. Anu, one time yang kita calling, abang main Price Tag kan? Weeeeeee adik suka ne. Siuk pula suara c abang ne kan? Tidak tau pula. Hoho. Terus tiada orang di rumah, abang kasih kawan adik, abang kasih tidur adik lagi. Sampai adik mengantuk baru abang letak. Hey readers, aren't my brother is a sweet person? Well he is.
Well here's the confession, after all this hiding thingy, FY is Fadley. Anuu, budak sfx tu yang form 3. Heehoo(; Inilah dia, selama ini saya sembunyi dan memberi initial name kepadanya. Ngokngok;D Hahaha. Dia la secret admirer saya(lol-.-), dia la abang angkat saya yang paling baik di dunia and dia la orang yang sweet saya pernah jumpa. So girls, kalau kamu kenal dia, baguslah. Dia memang baik okay? Dari dulu lagi. hee.
Abang, i love you okay? Jaga diri baik-baik. Walaupun tadi saya sudah kasih sakit hati abang, saya tetap sayang sama kau bang. Abang, I forgive you all the time even though saya sakit hati or abang ada buat salah sama saya. Pasal text message abang tadi tu, jangan cakap bukan-bukan ah bang. Adik kau sini sayang kau sangat-sangat, ketat-ketat lagi tau. Lain feeling adik kau kalau kau tidak text dia. 1 bulan masih lagi saya tahan, sampai abang text saya. Abang, I'll take care of myself when I'm out today with Nadine and my other friends.
And yeah, I'll pray for you and forgive you every time. I love you bro, I just can't stop thinking about you. I know it sounds like euwing and what other stuff but I'm sorry.
p/s: Nayang, you understand me right? If you saw this, saya tidak dapat tahan sudah. Saya mau luahkan juga. Saya pun sudah luahkan sama kau. hee, i love you Nayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangg♥ Sayang kakak ipar sa. sehh, haha;D
Okay, I'm going to sleep now. I'm sleepy.
Happy birthday Nadine Drew-Ann Bainon! I love you cousin! Meet you at 11(;♥
Mornight(; -style c Nayang. lol xD
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥, xoxoforever♥
Hell alike.
It's 8:26pm. *Sigh* Okay, I'm super bored to the max today. Awmaigawsh I don't even know what to do. Beyb, Richard and Nayang went to mall just now and I'm at home, sitting while watching tele like shit, eat that eat this then sleep. My fatness will increase, NOT! -.-
Dad, just please leave me with them. I can't stand everyday at home, nothing to do other then doing chores. So I do it all, everyday man! Can't you just sympathize me for awhile? I wanna go out okay? I miss going out. Oh yeah, this Thursday is Nadine's birthday party so if you don't let me go, I will not going to Tambunan.
For real, dad, for real.
And also on Saturday for our day outs.
I just can't have freedom for this 1 and a half month holiday. Okay, I hate sayin' this but school is comin' and I'm like when can I partying or hangout with my besties in this short but long term holiday? Oh daddy trust me, I can protect myself already aights? I know I know I'm the only girl and I'm your girl but yea can I just go out for a second? Pfft yea I'm not going somewhere creepy and dark that are full of pilaks. Euw, seriously daddy don't let me be your baby girl, let me be your big girl.
Well, Nayang is going back to KK tonight. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I'm crying inside. It's damn shit early man, I still wanna hangout with you. Okay she's kinda shy like that but if you know her that close, she's a joker, funny girl and and awesome chick. Hahaha seriously aye?
It's like they're not going back tonight. Yessssssss!
Okay wait up, this guy, oh gosh, oh my gosh he is superbly cute. He looks like Kim Hyun Joong.
*Screaming like hell inside*
Am serious aye? Lemme give him initials name, CDM. Clear enough? hahaha yeah.
I post this on my profile. I didn't knew that many people liked it and it makes me tired. lol. I did it and CDM liked it, I posted on his wall and he did the same to me. Guess what? This:
I'm happy he posted like that. Omg he is superbly cute. If you know who's CDM is, tell him he looks like Kim Hyun Joong. Really, he is. Gawd ;O
Enough that. Haha. Just now we watched video of the real Bloody Mary game. We're like: whuuuuuuuuut? is this fuckin' real? Oh it's like a joke. But then we read about the fact of Bloody Mary on wiki. Shit, it's hella creepy. Go search and read it. Goosebumps k? ;D
Ninja out!
Labels: kaibiganforeverr♥, My Life, ohana♥
Hartzlin Vanzvanessa♥
A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believe in the smile on your face.
My parents has stated my name Hartzlin Vanzvanessa since I was born. 14 years of age. Asian, Land below the wind. Sm Ken Hwa, Keningau. I'm a wannabe pianist, potterhead, die-hard Liverpool fan, chewing-machine, part-time singer and dancer, twitter addict and a maniac. When I'm bummed, God always there for me. He never leave me behind. I'm going to tell everybody that I love my most awesome God, Jesus Christ, most hilariously epic Idang/Edang family, my besties who are very wild failed yet handsome gorgeous senor senorita and my most joker a.k.a funny ass awesome yet insanely cute and humble bboy boyfriend. Yes, I'm officially taken by Brovell Arbel Brocyleo. I love him and he loves me, fullstop.
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